PART A - EMPLOYEE INFORMATION (to be completed by employee)
Form PFL-1 Instructions continued from prior page
If you are pre-submitting form: Indicate if the employee is pre-submitting their PFL request. Pre-submitting is dened as submitting the
application in advance of an upcoming qualifying event, with certain required information missing due to the information being unknown at
the time of the submitting. If pre-submitting is permitted by the carrier or self-insured employer, the missing information must be supplied as
soon as it is known. Benets cannot be determined until all of the required information is provided.
The PFL insurance carrier or self-insured employer will provide the employee a notice within ve days which 1) states the claim is pending;
2) identies what information is missing; 3) instructs how to submit the missing information. Once all information is supplied, the PFL
insurance carrier or self-insured employer has 18 days to pay or deny the claim.
If the carrier or self-insured employer does not permit pre-submitting, the carrier or self-insured employer must return the Request for Paid
Family Leave within ve days to the employee with an explanation that the claim should be re-submitted when all information is available.
Employee signs and dates, before giving this form to their employer to complete Part B.
Questions 2: If a Social Security Number is used for the Federal
Employer Identication Number (FEIN), enter the Social Security
Questions 3: Enter the employer’s Standard Industrial
Classication (SIC) Code. Contact your carrier if you don’t know
your SIC code.
Question 8: The employee occupation code can be found at:
Question 9: Enter the wages earned by the employe during the
last eight weeks preceding the PFL start date. The gross amount
paid is the employee’s gross weekly pay, including any overtime
and tips earned for that week, plus the weekly prorated amount
of any bonus or commission received during the preceding 52
weeks. (For detailed steps, see Question 18 on page 1 of the
instructions.) Calculate the gross average weekly wage by adding
up the gross amounts paid, and then divide by eight (or number
of weeks worked if less than eight).
Question 10: Failure to select “Yes” for requesting
reimbursement from the insurance carrier, will result in a waiver
of the right to reimbursement.If the explanation will not t in the
space provided on the form, enter “See Attached” and add
an attachment with the explanation. Be sure to include the
employee’s full name and last four digits of his or her Social
Security number (or TIN) at the top of the attachment.
Question 11a: ‘Disability’ refers to NYS statutory required
disability. If the answer is “none,” enter a “0” for total weeks and
days in Question 12b.
Question 11b: The maximum number of weeks available for
NYS statutory disability and PFL in any 52 week period is 26
weeks. Specify the total number of weeks, as well as the number
of additional days if the leave includes a partial week, taken for
NYS statutory disability and PFL during the preceding 52 weeks.
Question 13, 14 & 15: Enter the Paid Family Leave or Disability/
PFL insurance carrier’s name, address and PFL policy number.
If this employer is self-insured, enter the name and address of
where the PFL request should be submitted for processing.
PART B - EMPLOYER INFORMATION (to be completed by employer)
The employer of the employee requesting PFL must complete all information in Part B.
Afrmation employee is eligible for PFL: An employee who regularly works 20 hours or more per week must have been in employment
for at least 26 consecutive weeks. An employee who regularly works less than 20 hours per week must have worked 175 days.
Employee signs and dates, before giving this form to their employer to complete Part B.
Be sure to complete the appropriate additional PFL form(s)
based on the type of PFL leave being requested.
Notication Pursuant to the New York Personal Privacy Protection Law (Public Ofcers Law Article 6-A) and the Federal Privacy Act
of 1974 (5 USC 552a).
The Workers’ Compensation Board’s (Board’s) authority to request that employees provide personal information, including their social security
number or tax identication number, is derived from the Board’s administrative authority under Workers’ Compensation Law section 142. This
information is collected to assist the Board in investigating and administering claims in the most expedient manner possible and to help it
maintain accurate records. Providing your social security number or tax identication number to the Board is voluntary. The Board will protect the
condentiality of all personal information in its possession, disclosing it only in furtherance of its ofcial duties and in accordance with applicable
state and federal law.
Form PFL-1 Instructions
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If you need assistance, please call 800.535.2710