Superior Court of California
County of San Bernardino
(Rev. 10/18/2013)
This application is for the San Bernardino Superior Court panel of investigators available for appointments to work with in propria persona (“pro
per”) criminal case defendants. Applicants must have prior experience of, at least, three (3) years investigating criminal cases. The Pro Per
Investigator Panel list will be presented to pro per defendants on request, and defendants may contact investigators for further information.
Investigators on the Panel must be willing to accept appointments to work with pro per defendants and abide by the Court’s Local Rules pertaining to
appointed investigator services and Penal Code §987.2 Appointed Service and Expenditure Rules, Funding Application and Payment Procedures
(“PC987.2 Rules and Procedures”), available on the Court’s website under the heading “Forms and Rules” then “Appointed
Services and Claims.”
Full Name: _________________________ _________________________ _______________________________
First Name Middle Name Last Name
Business Name: ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Business Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Business Telephone: _________________________________ FAX: ______________________________________
Cell Phone: ___________________________ Can Cell Phone number be presented to pro per defendants?: ___ Yes; ___ No
E-mail Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________________
California Private Investigator License No. _____________ Expiration Date: ______________ ATTACH COPY OF LICENSE
Number of years licensed in California as a private investigator: ______
Has your Private Investigator license, or any Private Investigator license you have held, ever been conditioned, suspended or revoked?
___ Yes; ___ No If Yes, provide explanation on a separate sheet and attach to this Application.
Have you ever been convicted of a felony? ___ Yes; ___ No If Yes, provide explanation on separate sheet and attach to Application.
ATTACH RÉSUMÉ detailing your background including experience of, at least, three (3) years investigating criminal cases, with
emphasis on felony-level investigative experience and work with pro per defendants, and your employment history covering the
particulars of employment and reason for leaving.
List any felony-level specialties (e.g., capital case, homicide, gangs, juvenile, narcotics, etc.): ________________________________
List any foreign language(s) in which you are fluent: _________________________________________________________________
List any Court regions (i.e., east valley, west valley, north desert, east desert) where you would not want to accept appointments:
I have read and understand the Court’s rules and guidelines pertaining to appointed investigator services, as specified in the Court’s Local Rules
(Chapter 14) and PC987.2 Rules and Procedures, and I agree to comply with them. I understand that failure to comply with the rules and guidelines
would constitute grounds for removal from the Pro Per Investigator Panel. I further agree that the Bureau of Security and Investigative Services of
the Department of Consumer Affairs may disclose to the Superior Court’s designated Penal Code § 987.2 Judge Panel administering the Pro Per
Investigator Panel and all records they have concerning professional complaints against me, and I waive confidentiality as to the same.
I understand that I serve at the pleasure of the Court’s Penal Code § 987.2 Judge Panel and that my name can be removed from the Pro Per
Investigator Panel without recourse. I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that I am licensed in California as a private investigator and that the
foregoing and all attachments are true and correct.
Date: _________________ Signature: _____________________________
Mail completed application and attachments to: Court Indigent Defense, Box 15010, San Bernardino CA 92415-5010.