Application to vary, extend or
discharge an order in existing
Parts 4 and 4A Family Law Act 1996
1 About you (the applicant)
If you do not wish your address to be made known
to the respondent, leave this space blank and complete
Condential contact details Form C8. You can get a
copy of this form from any family court ofce or from our
website at hmctsform
State your title, full name, address, telephone
number and date of birth (if under 18).
State your solicitor’s name, address, reference,
telephone, FAX and DX numbers.
Solicitors fee
account no.
If you are already a party to the case, give your
description (for example, applicant, respondent or
2 The order(s) for which you are
applying Please attach a copy of the order if possible.
I am applying to vary
the order dated:
If you are applying for an order to be varied or
extended please give details of the order which
you would like the court to make:
To be completed by the court
Date issued
Case number
The court to which you are applying:
Note: you must make this application to the court which made
the original order.
FL403 Application to vary, extend or discharge an order in existing proceedings (04.17) © Crown copyright 2017
Note: If you are an individual applicant, you MUST NOT serve the documents yourself on the person you are
seeking an order against.
Click here to clear all fields
Signed Date
3 Your reason(s) for applying
State briey your reasons for applying.
4 Person(s) to be served with this application
For each respondent to this application state
the title, full name and address.
This application is to be served upon the respondent and the person to be protected by the order.
Note: if you are an individual applicant you MUST NOT serve the documents yourself on the person you
are seeking the order against.