NCAT Form | Application to reinstate proceedings Page | 3
The Tribunal may deal with this application on the basis of the written material filed without holding an oral hearing (called a
‘hearing on the papers’). This can occur if the Tribunal is satisfied that the issues for determination can be adequately dealt with
without an oral hearing. If the application to reinstate proceedings is granted, the Tribunal Member will give direction to progress
the original application or appeal.
I want this application to be dealt with on the papers
I do not want this application to be dealt with on the papers.
Explain why the Tribunal should not be satisfied that the application to reinstate can be adequately dealt with on the
papers. Attach additional pages if needed.
I have attached all other documents relevant to this application
Note: A copy of this application and any attachments will be sent to the other party. You should not include any confidential
information you do not want disclosed to the other party.
I have made a copy of this application for my own records
I have attached the application fee
You may need to pay an application fee when lodging your application. The fee schedule is available on the NCAT
website. Credit card payments can be made by submitting a credit card authority form with your application. Credit card
surcharges apply. Cheque or money order payments are to be made out to ‘NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal’ or
‘NCAT’. Payment can be made in person at any NCAT Registry or Service NSW Centre.
If you are unable to pay the concession fee or are not eligible, NCAT may consider waiving the fee fully or partially. To
request a fee waiver please complete the fee waiver request form
Signature Date
Lodge your Application with the fee at your nearest NCAT Registry
For NCAT Registry locations refer to information on your Tribunal orders or NCAT correspondence. For all NCAT enquires
telephone 1300 006 228 or visit www.ncat.nsw.gov.au.
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