The following documentation must be submitted a minimum of 10 weeks prior to
Completed Application Form and associated paperwork
• Terms and conditions – signed and dated by applicant to confirm they have been read and
• All technical information including the completed attachment form (hanging
baskets/sign/seasonal motif), a map/plan showing the location of the installations with street
light numbers, dimensions, details of each installation.
• A signed written statement or an email from the applicant stating that your contractor/third party
have demonstrated to you their operative’s competency and qualifications including the
person(s) who will complete the electrical connection and disconnection and the person(s)
“switching on” the installation at any ceremony.
• If applicable, structural testing results in accordance with BE EN40 from competent contractor
where seasonal decorations are attached to lighting columns.
• A signed written statement or an email from the applicant stating that all temporary traffic
management proposals, arrangements for protection and segregation of the public and signing
and guarding are in accordance with the latest version of Chapter 8 of the Traffic Signs Manual
published by the Department of Transport (Safety at Street Works and Road Works – A Code
of Practice (commonly known as the “red book”)
• Proposed installation dates and final removal of the equipment, method statement and risk
assessment covering installation and maintenance.
• Evidence of Public Liability insurance (£10 million).
• 24/7 emergency contact numbers; which may be used at any time and at all stages of the
installation (there can be more than one contact if required).
• A statement of conformity for the complete installation, in accordance with BS 7671 (test
certificates to follow upon installation).
• Copy of the applicants written energy agreement.
• Application fee of £50 per application or £50 per road/street (the length of an individual street
may require an additional payment) where testing will be required.
Please send your completed application to streetlighting@suffolk.gov.uk or
Suffolk Highways
Street Lighting
Phoenix House
3 Goddard Road
Suffolk IP1 5NP
If you have any questions or queries, regarding your application, or any of the documentation,
please contact us at streetlighting@suffolk.gov.uk