Version — 30 September 2019 Form IS1 – Application to incorporate a society Page 4 of 5
Proposed incorporated society name
Checklist before filing your application
Have you checked that the proposed society name is available?
Note — You can check that the name you’ve chosen is available to use by using the search options provided by the
following Companies Office websites.
› Search the Incorporated Societies Register
› Search the Companies Register
› Search our other registers
Read our online help guide ‘Things to do before you apply
’ for links to these search options.
An officer of the society or a solicitor has completed and signed the certificate section (Page 1)
Attach the following documents
Please make sure the following documents are attached to your application
Form IS1a Signatures form
The signatures form contains the names and signatures of 15 members of the proposed society.
The signatures must be witnessed by someone who isn’t one of the 15 members signing the form.
A copy of the society’s endorsed rules (signed by the person who completed the certificate on Page 1)
Section 6, Incorporated Societies Act 1908 requires that a society’s rules include the following —
› The name of the society (ending with the word Incorporated)
› The objects for which the society is established
› How people become members of the society and cease being members of the society
› How meetings of the society will be called and held and how voting will take place
› How officers of the society will be appointed
› Control and use of the common seal
› How the society’s funds will be controlled and invested
› The powers (if any) that the society has to borrow money
› How any property of the society will be distributed in the event of the society being wound up
› How the rules of the society can be altered.
The fee of $102.22 is included
Please include this completed application checklist along with the completed ‘Payment details’ page
(Page 5)
Send your completed forms to us
By post to —
Companies Office
Private Bag 92061
Victoria Street West
Auckland 1142
or by email to processing@companiesoffice.govt.nz
Presenter details
Email address: