4. Professional and Personal Qualifications (continued)
c. Are you in good standing in each state where you are licensed to practice law? Yes No
(If no, provide an explanation in Attachment 3c.)
d. I am certified as a specialist by the State Bar of California Board of Legal Specialization or by an organization
whose certification program has been accredited by the State Bar of California.
Areas of specialization:
e. I am certified as a legal specialist by other states or organizations as follows (specify):
Areas of specialization:
f. Have you ever been disciplined by the State Bar of California or by a bar association or other professional licensing
entity in any state or by a court of record, including being sanctioned or held in contempt?
Yes No
g. Do you have any disciplinary action pending against you by the State Bar of California or by a bar association or
other professional licensing agency in any state or by a court of record, including any proceeding for the imposition
of sanctions or for contempt? Yes No
h. Have you ever been convicted or pleaded no contest to a felony or misdemeanor?
i. Are you a defendant in any pending felony or misdemeanor proceeding? Yes No
j. Have you ever been a party to any legal proceeding? Yes No
(If you answered yes to questions 3f, g, h, i, or j, provide additional information in an Attachment.)
5. Practical Experience
a. The principal portion of my law practice in California is in the following courts (specify state and federal courts,
including trial and appellate courts, if applicable):
b. I currently practice in the following areas of law (list each subject area of law that occupies at least 10 percent of
your time):
c. Do you hold yourself out publicly as representing exclusively one side in any area of litigation practice?
Yes No (If yes, provide the following information):
Area of Practice Side Represented
d. Do you represent one side in more than 90 percent of your cases in any area of litigation practice?
Yes No (If yes, provide the following information):
Area of Practice Side Represented
[New July 1, 2006]
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