Application to Injure or Remove Trees
01-0093 2020-01
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Application Fee Calculation
Non-construction related application
Private Tree:
City Tree:
$121.12 per tree
$362.33 per tree
$252.83 per tree
Applications to injure or remove trees not
associated with construction or related
Construction related application
Private Tree:
City Tree:
Boundary/Neighbour Tree:
$362.33 per tree
$362.33 per tree
$758.52 per tree
Applications to injure or r
emove trees associated with activity that
includes but is not limited to building, demolition, excavation, boring,
placement of fill or surface treatment, storage of construction
materials or equipment, storage of soil, construction waste or debris,
movement of vehicles and equipment. Applications for Official plan
amendment, plan of subdivision and condominiums, site plan
control, minor variance, consent and building permits.
Number of Private Trees ___ X $121.12= $ ________ Number of Private Trees ___ X $362.33 = $ ________
Number of City Trees ___ X $362.33 = $ ________ Number of City Trees ___ X $362.33 = $ ________
Number of Boundary/
Neighbour Trees
___ X $252.83 = $ ________
Number of Boundary/
Neighbour Trees
___ X $758.52 = $ ________
Total Non-Construction Application Fee: $___________
Total Construction Application Fee: $_____________
Fees are subject to change. Accepted methods for payment of fees: certified cheque, money order, credit or
debit card (in person only). Please make all amounts payable to the Treasurer of the City of Toronto. Application fees
are non-refundable and payable at the time of initial application. Submission of an application does not guarantee
that a permit will be issued.
I have read and understand the attached information and am aware of the permit procedures required under
the provisions of Municipal Code Chapter 813, Trees. I hereby certify that the information, survey and plans
provided are correct and truly indicate my intentions respecting the proposed work. I acknowledge and understand
that pursuant to section 813-25 A, an officer may enter upon my lands at any reasonable time for the purpose of
carrying out an inspection.
Signature (Owner or Applicant) Print Name (First, Last) Date: (yyyy-mm-dd)
Items Required to Complete Your Application
The following items must be submitted to complete your Application to Injure or Remove Trees. Applications
which are incomplete will not be processed. Depending on the nature of the application you may be required to
submit additional information. Information about trees on private property, how to apply for a permit and terms
and definitions used in this application are available at www.toronto.ca/trees.
Application to Remove (Destroy)
Completed Application Form
Application Fee (payment methods outlined above)
Arborist Report
Landscaping and Replanting Plan
Site Plan (if application is construction-related)
Elevations (if application is construction-related)
Grading and/or Servicing Plan (new home construction)
Site Plan with Ravine Line Delineation
(if property is in a ravine protected area)
Application to Injure
Completed Application Form
Application Fee (payment methods outlined above)
Arborist Report
Tree Protection Plan
Site Plan
First Floor Plan (may be required)
Basement Plan (may be required)
Construction Details (may be required)
Grading and/or Servicing Plan (new home construction)
Site Plan with Ravine Line Delineation
(if property is in a ravine protected area)
Parks, Forestry and Recreation collects personal information on this form under the authority of the City of Toronto Act, 2006,
SO 2006, Chapter 11, Schedule A, s 136 (c) and City of Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 813, Article II, Trees on City Streets
and Article III, Private Tree Protection. The information is used to process your application and notify you of meetings related
to your application. Questions about this collection can be directed to the Manager of Tree Protection and Plan Review, Parks,
Forestry & Recreation, 18 Dyas Rd., Toronto, ON M3B 1V5, or by telephone at 416-392-0724.