Application for vaccinator authorisation
August 2020
Auckland Regional Public Health Service | vaccinator@adhb.govt.nz I www.arphs.health.nz/vaccinator Page 2 of 4
Please tick ONE box that best applies to you:
☐ I have never had vaccinator authorisation and I am applying for the first time (go to Checklist 1 below)
☐ I have current vaccinator authorisation for the Auckland region that has not yet expired (go to Checklist 2 below)
☐ I had past vaccinator authorisation for the Auckland region that has now expired (go to Checklist 3 below)
☐ I have current or had past vaccinator authorisation for another region in New Zealand (go to Checklist 4 below)
For applicants who have never had vaccinator
authorisation and are applying for the first time, please
For applicants who have current vaccinator authorisation
for the Auckland region that has not expired, please
☐ Copy of APC
☐ Copy of CPR certificate (completed within last 2 years)
☐ Copy of vaccinator training course certificate
☐ Copy of clinical assessment
☐ Copy of APC
☐ Copy of CPR certificate (completed within last 2 years)
☐ Copy of last vaccinator update certificate
☐ ARPHS peer reviewed assessment form
For applicants who had past vaccinator authorisation for
the Auckland region that has expired, please enclose the
For applicants who have current or had past vaccinator
authorisation for another region in NZ, please enclose
☐ Copy of APC
☐ Copy of CPR certificate (completed within last 2 years)
☐ Copies of vaccinator training course certificates and/
or vaccinator update certificates (completed since
last authorisation)
☐ ARPHS peer reviewed assessment form (if
authorisation expired less than 6 months ago)
☐ Copy of repeat clinical assessment (if authorisation
expired more than 6 months ago)
☐ Copy of APC
☐ Copy of CPR certificate (completed within last 2 years)
☐ Copy of last vaccinator authorisation certificate for
other region
☐ Copies of all vaccinator training course certificates
and vaccinator update certificates (completed at any
☐ Copy of last clinical assessment