Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
9.8 Are arrangements in place for the regular cleaning of common parts?
If yes, how often are the common parts cleaned?
9.9 Are all of the staircases, passageways, corridors, halls, lobbies,
balconies and entrances in common use free from obstruction?
9.10 Are the amenities in common use regularly cleaned?
Are the amenities in common use in a good state of repair?
9.11 Is the residents’ living accommodation in a good state of repair?
9.12 Are all the windows in a good state of repair?
Yes No
Yes No
Are all the windows fully operable?Are all
the windows double glazed?
Yes No Some
9.13 What form of heating does the property have?
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Gas fired central heating
Off peak night storage heaters
Individual wall mounted gas heaters
Individual wall mounted electric heaters
Other (please specify)
Is the loft insulated
If there are cavity walls, do you have cavity wall insulation
Yes No
9.14 Is the property free from all pests and vermin?
Yes No
If no, please provide the details of the pest control contractor
responsible for treating the infestation.
Please go to Part 10.
Yes No
Yes No
10.1 Are the tenants provided with written details of the terms
of the their tenancy?
10.2 Is an inventory prepared at commencement of occupancy?
10.3 Are rent books provided?
Yes No
If rent books are not provided, are the tenants given
receipts/rent statements?
Yes No
Yes No
10.4 Are the tenants provided with a complaints procedure?
10.5 Is there an emergency 24 hour contact telephone number that can
Yes No
be used by the tenants in relation to the property?
If yes, please provide the number:
10.6 Are tenants required to provide deposits at the
commencement of their tenancy? Yes No