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How can Legal Aid NSW help me?
Help over the phone
Call LawAccess NSW on 1300 888 529. LawAccess NSW
is a free telephone service that provides legal information,
referrals and in some cases, advice for people who have a
legal problem in NSW.
If you are under 18 and need advice about a criminal law
problem, or think you might be in trouble with the police
you can call the Youth Hotline on 1800 10 18 10.
Face-to-face legal advice
You can get free face-to-face legal advice at most Legal Aid
NSW offices. Legal advice is usually limited to 20 minutes.
You should phone your nearest Legal Aid NSW office for an
appointment (listed on the back of this form).
Help at court
If you need ongoing legal help from a solicitor, you need
to apply for a grant of legal aid and fill in this application
form or contact a private solicitor to complete an online
A grant of legal aid provides you with legal representation
in court by a solicitor who works for Legal Aid NSW or a
private solicitor paid for by Legal Aid NSW.
Legal Aid NSW provides legal assistance for many criminal,
family and civil matters. However, we do not provide legal
aid for every legal problem.
How do I get a grant of legal aid?
Our policies explain the types of matters where legal aid is
available and who is eligible for legal aid.
We look at:
• what you want legal assistance for
• whether it is reasonable in all the circumstances to grant
legal aid (called a merit test)
• what you earn and what you own (called a means test).
To see if you are likely to pass the means
test, use the Means Test Indicator at
For more information about our policies check out our
A-Z guide to policies or Policy Online at
If legal aid is available for your type of matter and
you think you are eligible for legal aid, you must
complete this application form and send supporting
About Legal Aid NSW
Who can help me fill out the application form?
• LawAccess NSW on 1300 888 529;
• Legal Aid NSW staff (by appointment or at an advice
clinic); or
• a private solicitor (you may need to pay for this service)
How do I know if I’ve been granted legal aid?
After you send us your completed application form, we will
send you a letter telling you:
• if you have been granted legal aid
• what the grant is for
• any conditions you must meet to get legal aid.
What if I’m not satisfied with the decision?
In most matters, if you do not agree with the decision either
because you have been refused legal aid or because you
do not agree with the conditions, you can apply to have the
decision reviewed by an independent committee called the
Legal Aid Review Committee. Generally you will need to
lodge your appeal within 28 days.
Is legal aid free?
No. A grant of legal aid is not free. You will usually be asked
to pay:
• some money towards your legal costs at the start of your
• some or all of your legal costs at the end of your case.
What if my circumstances change?
You must tell us immediately if:
• you change your address
• your financial details or other details change
• you become aware of information likely to affect your
eligibility for legal aid
• you want to change your solicitor. You cannot change
your solicitor without our agreement.
Need more info about Legal Aid NSW?
Visit our website at
or contact
your nearest Legal Aid NSW office.