Planning Validation
Is appearance to be considered in this application? Yes No
What information is required?
If yes:
Block plan/ site plan (scale 1:500, 1:200 or 1:100 and must show a metric scale bar ) sufcient to
show the position of all new buildings on the site, the position of existing development on adjoining sites
and parking layout.
Existing and proposed oor plans (scale 1:100 or 1:50 and must show a metric scale bar. It would be
helpful if at least one dimension is annotated).
Existing and proposed roof plans (scale 1:100 or 1:50 and must show a metric scale bar. It would be
helpful if at least one dimension is annotated).
Existing and proposed elevations (scale 1:100 or 1:50 and must show a metric scale bar. It would be
helpful if at least one dimension is annotated).
Is access to be considered in this application? Yes No
What information is required?
If yes:
Block plan/ site plan (scale 1:500, 1:200 or 1:100 and must show a metric scale bar) showing the
position of the proposed/new accesses and/or the position and details of any accesses to be closed.
The plan should also include details for circulation within the site, including facilities for cyclists and
Is landscaping to be considered in this application? Yes No
What information is required?
If yes:
Landscaping plan (scale 1:200) showing the treatment of private and public space through hard and
soft measures including:
• The position of all existing trees/ shrubs to be retained and those to be removed
• Size, species and density of all proposed trees/shrubs
• Method of ground preparation
• Proposed nished levels or contours
• Means of enclosure
• Car parking layouts; other vehicle and pedestrian access and circulation areas
• Hard surfacing materials
• Minor artefacts and structures (e.g. furniture, play equipment, refuse or other storage units, signs,
lighting etc.)
• Proposed and existing functional services above and below ground (e.g. drainage, power,
communications cables, pipelines etc. indicating lines, manholes, supports etc.)
• Retained historic landscape features