Send completed application to: Curriculum Services, SSC 460, Campus zip 128
Application for Addition to a Pathway Date: __________________
From: ________________________________________________(Dept. Chair or Course instructor)
Course (i.e. PHYS 100): __________ Course name: ___________________________________
Enrollment cap: ____________
Is this a new course? ____ Yes ____ No
If no, is the course currently an approved General Education course? ____ Yes ____ No
If Yes, currently in what Pathway(s)? ______________________________________________
GE Disciplinary Area: __________
Current GE Status
Please check all that apply: ____ GC ____ USD
SLOs: _____Oral Communication _____Written Communication _____Critical Thinking
_____Math _____Active Inquiry _____Personal/Social Responsibility
_____Sustainability _____Diversity _____Creativity _____Global Engagement
If No, was this an approved GE course prior to Fall 2012? _____ Yes _____ No
___ Lower-Division ___ Upper-Division
GE Disciplinary Area: _____________________ ____ GC ____ USD
If this course is currently an approved GE course, please attach a syllabus and the rationale for its
inclusion in the ___________________________________________________Pathway.
If this course is not currently an approved GE course, please attach
1. A syllabus with updated course description incorporating language related to Pathway
2. The rationale for its inclusion in the _________________________________ Pathway
3. The rationale for its approval in _____________Disciplinary Area (i.e. C1, C2, UD-B)
4. A list of at least two, but no more than four GE Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) that the course
will meet and an explanation of how the course meets these SLOs.
For key definitions and further information, see EM 18-005 and EO-1100.
5. Required signatures:
__________________________________________ ______________
Pathway Coordinator Date
__________________________________________ ______________
Department Chair Date
__________________________________________ ______________
College Dean Date