Zoning Variance Application Form 6/8/20
An application for a variance must meet the submittal requirements and the decision criteria noted
_____ 1. A site plan drawn to scale, considering, but not limited to, the following:
_____ a. Dimensions and arrangement of the existing development.
____ b. Dimensions and arrangement of the proposed development.
_____ c. Adjoining properties, streets, alleys, structures and drainage ways.
_____ d. Identification of all requested variations from Code.
_____ e. Vehicle and pedestrian access ways.
_____ f. Fences and walls.
_____ g. Off street parking areas.
_____ h. Natural features, such as waterways, floodplain, floodway, riparian areas, wetlands,
trees, topography, etc.
_____ 2. Narrative describing the requested variation(s), alternatives considered, and the reason for the
choices made.
_____ 3. A review of how the application meets the review criteria.
The criteria that shall be used in approving, approving with conditions, or denying a requested
variance will be based on findings with respect to compliance with each of the following criteria, if
_____ A. The development resulting from an approved variance will not be detrimental to public health or
_____ B. The request is the minimum variance necessary to make reasonable use of the property.
_____ C. The requested variance is consistent with the purposes of the zone.
_____ D. If more than one variance is requested or needed, the cumulative effect of the variances will result
in a project that remains consistent with the purposes of the zone.
_____ E. Identified negative impacts resulting from the variance can be mitigated to the extent practical.
_____ F. The location, size, design characteristics and other features of the proposal shall have minimal
adverse impacts on property values, livability of the permitted development in the surrounding area,
and the natural environment.
_____ G. The property has a physical circumstance or condition that makes it difficult to develop.