Land Division Application Form 6/8/20
The following information shall be submitted upon application for a land division.
_____ 1. All existing subdivisions, streets and property lines of the land immediately adjoining the proposed
_____ 2. All existing streets between the subject property and the nearest existing arterial or collector streets.
_____ 3. The name of the owners of all land immediately adjoining the proposed subdivision.
_____ 4. How streets and alleys in the proposed subdivision may connect with existing or proposed streets
and alleys in neighborhood.
_____ 5. The name, if any, of the land division. The subdivision name must not duplicate or resemble the
name of another subdivision in Linn County and shall be subject to approval by the Linn County
Surveyor. Pre-approval of the subdivision name by Linn County Surveyor's Office is recommended.
_____ 6. Date of the original submittal and of any subsequent revisions.
_____ 7. North arrow.
_____ 8. Scale of drawing.
_____9. Names and addresses of owner or owners, subdivider, surveyor, and design engineer if applicable.
_____10. The location, widths and names of all existing or platted streets or other public ways within or
directly adjacent to the tract of railroad right-of-way, city boundaries, and other important features.
_____11. The location on the site and in the adjoining streets or property for the following existing and
proposed items:
_____ a. Sewers and water mains and private services.
_____ b. Invert elevations of sewers at points of proposed connections or adjacent manholes
must also be shown.
_____d. Ditches and drain pipes.
_____e. Electric, gas and telephone conduits.
_____ 12 Contour lines having the following minimum intervals:
_____a. One foot contour intervals for ground slopes less than 5%.
_____b. Two foot contour intervals for ground slopes between 5% and 10%.
_____c. Five foot contour levels for ground slopes exceeding 10%.
_____d. The elevations of all control points which are used to determine the contours.
_____ 13. Geo-tech reports as needed.
_____ 14. Location and elevation of properties within the 100-year flood plain and other areas subject to
flooding or ponding and areas subject to inundation from storm water overflow with approximate
high water elevation.
_____ 15. Location, width, direction and rate of flow at peak discharge of all water ways.
_____ 16. Location of any wetlands identified on the City of Sweet Home Local Wetlands Inventory, locally
known, or identified by some other means.
_____ 17. Location of any required riparian zone identified by Sweet Home Municipal Code Chapter 17.72.
_____ 18. Properties in the natural resource zone, must show natural features, such as rock outcroppings,
wooded areas and preservable trees over 12 inches in diameter measured at 4½ feet from the
_____ 19. Existing uses of the property and adjacent property within 100 feet including location of all existing
structures to remain on the property.
_____ 20. Known structures, landmarks, sites and areas of cultural, historic or archaeological significance.
_____ a. The City of Sweet Home historic sites listing and the State Historic Preservation Office
shall be consulted if a historic site is identified.
_____ b. Sweet Home Municipal Code Title 15 rules for historic structures must be addressed.
_____ 21. Zoning on and adjacent to the subject property.
_____ 22. For all proposed streets, the following information must be shown: