Is there anything else you would like us to know?
The Council only has a limited amount of money available to spend on Discretionary Housing
Payments and will not be able to help everyone who asks. We try to target the funds so that the
most vulnerable people are helped. Any help given will normally be for a limited period.
Advice agencies such as Stockton and District Advice and Information Service, and Stockton
Welfare Rights can help with longer term solutions, providing help and advice on;
claiming welfare benefits
dealing with outstanding debts, or
budgeting and managing your finances,
Would you like to be referred to an appropriate advice
I agree that the advice agency I am referred to can feedback the outcome of this referral to
Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council.
If you do not want to be referred to an advice agency please give reasons
I have read or had read to me the above information and agree that it is correct.
I give authority for Stockton Benefits Service to confirm any information given on this form with the
Department for Work and Pensions, my landlord/landlady or any other department of the Council.
I understand that the information I have given may be shared with Stockton’s Housing Options Team.
This authority also includes the release of any information regarding Back on Track (social fund
replacement) loans.