Submssion Requirements
•An electronic copy (PDF preferred) of all application materials, which can be emailed, or delivered by FTP or USB.
•Three (3) copies of the application cover sheet and all support materials (see below).
•Plan sheets should be 11” x 17”, folded to 8 1/2” x 11”. If it is not possible to scale plans to these dimensions, please
provide one set of larger, scaled plans.
•All applications must include the attached cover sheet and the following support materials, as applicable to the
project, based on Review Type:
Conceptual Review:
•A detailed project narrative which includes the following: purpose of the project, project background, project
budget and funding sources, description of construction program and estimated construction start date
(description should also provide information on the surrounding area to provide context).
•A site plan for the project indicating site characteristics which include: building footprints, parking areas,
pedestrian routes, recreation areas, open areas, and areas of future expansion.
•A set of floor plans and elevations, as detailed as possible.
•A landscaping plan which shows the general location and character of plant materials and notes any existing
tree to be removed.
Final Review:
•A detailed project narrative which includes the following: purpose of the project, project background, project
budget and funding sources, description of construction program, and estimated construction start date
(description should also provide information on the surrounding area to provide context).
•A site plan for the project indicating site characteristics which include: building footprints, parking areas,
pedestrian routes, recreation areas, open areas, and areas of future expansion.
•A set of floor plans and elevations, as detailed as possible.
•A landscaping plan that includes a complete plant schedule, the precise location of all plant materials, and a
landscape maintenance analysis. The plant schedule must show number, size and type of each planting
proposed. If existing trees are to be removed, their size, type, and location must be noted on the landscape
•The location of all lighting units should be noted on a site plan, including wall-mounted, site, and parking
lot lighting. Other site details such as benches, trash containers, and special paving materials should also be
located. Include specification sheets for each item.
•Samples of all proposed exterior building materials, including but not limited to brick, mortar, shingles,
siding, glass, paint, and stain colors. When an actual sample cannot be provided, a product information sheet
that shows the item or a photo of an existing item may be substituted.
Review and Processing
•Once an application is received, it is reviewed by Sta, who compiles a report that is sent to the UDC.
•A copy of the report and the meeting agenda will be sent to the applicant prior to the meeting.
•At the UDC meeting, the applicant or a representative should be present or the application may be deferred to the
next regularly scheduled meeting. It is also strongly suggested that a representative of the City Agency which will
have final responsibility for the item be present at the meeting (if the applicant and the representative are not the
•Once the UDC recommends action on the application, it is automatically placed on the agenda for the next City
Planning Commission (CPC) meeting. Exceptions to this are encroachment applications, recommendations for which
are forwarded to the Department of Public Works.
•At the CPC meeting, the applicant or a representative should be present, or the application may be deferred to the
next regularly scheduled meeting.
Department of Planning and Development Review
Planning & Preservation Division
900 E. Broad Street, Room 510
Richmond, Virginia 23219 | (804) 646-6335
Application for Urban Design Committee Review
last revised 6/10/2019