Idaho State Board of Education Application for Undergraduate Admission 06-08-2016 Page 2 / 2
Campus Location: If planning to take courses primarily at outreach locations, list these
List the last high school you attended and any schools since, including colleges, trade schools, correspondence, etc. Do not omit any schools. Attach a
separate sheet if more space is needed. Students seeking certificates or degrees must have official transcripts submitted from each school listed. To
be considered official, transcripts must be mailed in a sealed envelope directly from the school to the institution’s admissions office, or ordered and sent
electronically through the National Student Clear
Did/Will you graduate from high school?
Yes (month/year ) EduID: ___________________
Do you have a GED or high school equivalency certificate?
If yes, degree-seeking applicants are required to submit official GED test scores.
Are/Were you a Tech Prep Student? Yes No
If yes, in which program area did you enroll?
Name of College, Trade School, etc.
Idaho residency for tuition purposes is governed by Section 33-3717B, Idaho Code and IDAPA 08.01.04. Residency for community colleges is determined
by county of residence under Idaho Code, 33-2110A.
If less than 12 months, previous state:
If less than 12 months, previous county:
Check applicable boxes: Documentation will be requested in order to verify Idaho residency for tuition purposes.
One or more of my parents/legal guardians is domiciled in Idaho and has maintained a bona fide domicile in Idaho for at least 12 months prior to the
opening day of the term which I plan to enroll, and I receive at least 50% of my financial support from my parents/legal guardians.
Parent’s name and address______________________________________________________ From to
I receive less than 50% of my financial support from parents/legal guardians. I have continuously resided in Idaho for purposes other than education for
at least 12 months prior to the opening day of the term which I plan to enroll.
I am married to an Idaho resident. My spouse is a resident of __________________________ County.
I (or my spouse) is a member of the Armed Forces stationed in Idaho on military orders. I (or my spouse) is stationed in ___________________ County.
I am an officer or an enlisted member of the Idaho National Guard.
One or more of my parents/legal guardians, from whom I receive 50% or more of my support, is a member of the Armed Forces of the United States who
entered servic
e as an Idaho resident and who has maintained Idaho resident status, but is not stationed within the state of Idaho on military orders.
One or more of my parents/legal guardians, from whom I receive 50% or more of my support, is a member of the Armed Forces stationed in Idaho. They
are stationed in ___________________________________ County.
I have been separated under honorable conditions from the Armed Forces after at least two years of service. Check one of the following:
At the time of separation, I designated the State of Idaho
as my intended domicile or indicated Idaho as my home of record, and I am entering this
institution within one year of the date of separation.
I intend to make Idaho my state of residence and will actively establish domicile within one calendar year.
I am/will be a graduate of an accredited secondary school in Idaho, am domiciled in Idaho, and will matriculate within six (6) years following my secondary
school graduation.
I completed six (6) years of elementary and secondary education in Idaho, am domicil
ed in Idaho, and will matriculate within six (6) years following my
secondary school graduation.
I am a member of one of the following Idaho Native American Indian tribes: Coeur d’Alene, Shoshone-Paiute, Nez Perce, Shoshone-Bannock, Kootenai,
Eastern Shoshone.
In signing this form, I acknowledge that failure to disclose and submit accurate information may result in denial of admission or dismissal from the institution. I certify that all
information provided is complete and true. Men between the ages of 18 and 25 must be registered with the Selective Service to be eligible for enrollment at a state college, to receive
state and federal financial aid, and to be employed in
a state or federal job. You may register with Selective Services online at http://www.sss.gov. By signing this application, I
certify that I am in compliance with the Federal Military Selective Service Act, 50 U.S.C. sec. 453, or that I am exempt from the same.
Acceptance or receipt of financial aid and scholarship awards certifies that the funds will be used for educational purposes.
Idaho public colleges subscribe to the principles and laws of the State of Idaho and the Federal Government, including applicable executive orders
pertaining to civil rights. These institutions are committed to the policy that all persons shall have equal access to programs and facilities without regard
to age, color, creed, marital status, national or ethnic origin, physical handicap, race, religion, or sex.
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