Enrollment Information
Campus where
you plan to enroll
q Portales
q Ruidoso
q Roswell
Do you consent for your information to be shared among the three campuses in the ENMU
System? q Yes q No
(If checked yes, this authorization is good for ve years from the date of this application.)
Semester you
plan to start attending
q Fall q Spring q Summer Year:
Enrollment status
Do not include college courses taken
prior to high/home-school graduation
or GED completion.
q First enrollment in any college or university after high school graduation
q Transferring to ENMU from a college or university
q Returning – readmission after absence from ENMU
Planned course
of study
q Certicate
q Associate degree
q Bachelor’s degree
q Second bachelor’s degree
q Nondegree: not seeking an ENMU degree (not eligible for nancial aid)
q Nondegree: taking classes for fun (not eligible for nancial aid)
Field of interest
Academic interest:
Other areas of interest:
Academic Information
High school or home-
school last attended
Include dual and
concurrent enrollment.
Name City State
Did you take college courses while in high school? q Yes q No
(should not include Advanced Placement classes)
High school/home-
school graduation
High school diploma? q Yes q No
Home-school diploma? q Yes q No
Graduation date:
Month Year
Or GED completion GED certicate? q Yes q No
Certicate date:
Month Year
State tested:
Previous colleges or
universities attended
Beginning with the current or most
recent, list all colleges, universities
and technical/vocational schools you
have previously attended.
Academic regulations require
students who have registered at
other colleges or universities to
not disregard their records at such
institutions when applying for
admission to ENMU.
Not reporting all institutions attended
and not submitting a transcript may
result in delay of admission, loss of
credit or dismissal from ENMU.
College Name State From To Hours
I afrm the information I have provided on this application form and all other admission material is complete, accurate and true.
I agree to submit other materials required for this admission application and understand that failure to do so, and/or the furnishing of false,
incomplete or misleading information in connection with my admission or attendance at Eastern New Mexico University, may result in the
termination of my ENMU admission and registration.
I agree, as a student, I am subject to ENMU policies and procedures. I understand that ID cards and any services coded on the card are not
transferrable to anyone other than the student to whom the ID card is issued by the University. Only the student on the issued ID card can use the
services specic to their card including, but not limited to, meal plans.
I understand that directory information as dened by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) may be made available to the general
public. Directory information may be found at enmu.edu/FERPA and is generally not considered harmful to the individual or an invasion of privacy.
I understand if I want to restrict my directory information, I must notify the Ofce of the Registrar in writing. I understand these restrictions will
remain in place until I give written notice to the Ofce of the Registrar to release the restrictions.
I hereby give Eastern New Mexico University permission to use my image (still photograph or video) and name for any nonprot purpose, such as
promoting the University in videos and other electronic and printed media without compensation.
Applicant signature Date
ENMU does not discriminate on the basis of sex in its educational programs, activities, employment and admission as required by Title IX and 34 C.F.R. Part 106.
Please visit enmu.edu/TitleIX for more information.
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