Application for Transfer/Adult Undergraduate Admission
Application Status (please respond to each statement or question)
I am applying as a:
Transfer Student (age 22 and younger)
WINGS – Adult Education First Degree
WINGS – Adult Education Degree
WINGS – Adult Education Second
I am applying for admission
beginning in the term:
August of ______ (year)
January of ______ (year)
Summer of______ (year)
Personal Information (All information provided is kept strictly confidential and only used by Meredith College)
Legal name _________________________________________________________________ /
first middle last preferred or nickname
U.S. Social Security number _________ – ________ – ___________ Date of birth ________ / ______ / ___________
month day year
Permanent address ___________________________________________________________ /
street, route county
_____________________________________________________________ Telephone (_______) ________________
city state ZIP/Postal Code
_________________________________________________________ / ____________________________________
province country
Mailing address (if different) ___________________________________________________________ / ________________
street, route county
_____________________________________________________________ Telephone (_______) ________________
city state ZIP/Postal Code
_________________________________________________________ / ____________________________________
province country
E-mail ____________________________________________________ Cellular phone (_______) _____________________
Employer __________________________________________________ Work phone (_______) _____________________
If you have attended any secondary or post secondary institutions under a different name please provide the name(s):
The Office of Admissions will contact you a number of ways regarding your application, however, we wish to know
your preference for how we communicate with you. Please check all that apply:
Email Cell Phone Home Phone Text Message
Indicating preference signifies your approval for Meredith to communicate with you via these methods.
Are you a North Carolina resident?
Yes No If yes, how long? ____________________________________
If no, or less than a year, where?
Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Have you
already submitted FAFSA yet?
Yes No
Do you have a parent or guardian currently employed by Meredith College?
Yes No
Are you a veteran?
Yes No
Country of citizenship
USA Other __________________________________________________________
If OTHER, please specify country & complete applicable questions in the shaded box on the next page.
I plan to reside:
On-Campus (first bachelor candidates
Off-Campus (commuter, if eligible;
complete the agreement on page 11)
Will you be applying for financial aid?
Yes No
Office of Admissions • 3800 Hillsborough Street
Raleigh, NC 27607-5298 • (919) 760-8581 or
1-800-MEREDITH • FAX (919) 760-2348
meredith.edu • admissions@meredith.edu