Application for
Trade Waste Discharge
(Wastewater Authority)
Queen Street, P O Box 404, Te Kuiti 3941, NZ. Telephone 07-878 0800, Fax 07-878 7771, Email, Website
3. Description of Trade Waste and Premises continued
Describe mitigation measures employed to prevent accidental spillage of these substances from
entering the public sewer or stormwater system:
Please attach site plans of the premises which clearly show the location of the following:
Process areas Flow measuring devices Trade waste drains
Domestic waste Emergency spill devices Open areas draining to water
Stormwater drains emergency
spill containment
Other (specify)
Main Trade Waste Pre-treatment Systems
Screens pH control Flow balance
Chemical treatment Biological treatment
Please attach detailed drawings and descriptions for the following (as appropriate):
Pre-treatment systems Flow measuring devices Emergency spill containment
Sampling points Method of ow meter
Open areas draining to water
An independent waste audit of the premises has / has not (delete as applicable) been carried out
A Discharge Management Plan is / is not (delete as applicable) attached.
Please specify the premises health and safety requirements and security arrangements
for Wastewater Authority Staff entering the premises:
(please use a separate sheet for each process and attached copies of typical analyses for wastewa-
ter from each separate process).
Process name and description:
Type of product processed:
Volume of Wastewater:
Average daily volume: m
Maximum daily volume: m
Maximum ow: Litres p/second
If batch discharges:
Quantity: m