Provincial and Territorial legislation has given each professional governing body both the authority and the responsibility
to establish standards of admission and competence for candidates seeking to become licensed/registered as architects in
their respective jurisdictions.
The Canadian Educational Standards for Architects (CES) is the academic qualification requirement established by the
Canadian Architectural Licensing Authorities (CALA) for candidates seeking to practice architecture in Canada. The CES
is empowered by the Conditions for Licensure for Architects in Canada that has been developed and adopted collectively
by CALA.
The CES endorses a variety of pathways to licensure that allows broad by comprehensive access to the profession for
candidates from diverse circumstances and includes nationally recognized standards of competence that establish
consistent criteria that candidates must meet regardless of their chosen path to licensure.
The CES has two components – one for institutions and one for individuals. It establishes Student Performance
Criteria (SPCs) and Program Performance Criteria (PPCs) for Canadian university Schools of Architecture accredited
by an organization recognized by CALA and hours based on Curriculum Standards for candidates with degrees or
diplomas in architecture from institutions that are not accredited by an organization recognized by CALA.
On July 1, 2020, a new Internship in Architecture Program (IAP) was approved by the Regulators and launched in
Canada. The new IAP permits CALA members to accept the submission of student hours for review and consideration
by NSAA as part of the IAP program as detailed in Appendix B, 2021.
To be considered, student hours must be obtained both:
1. While the student is enrolled in a Canadian-accredited program; and
2. Following successful completion of 60 credit hours in courses that contribute to the Student Performance
Criteria for accreditation.
UNIVERSITY REQUIREMENTS (to be completed by the University)
For student hours to be considered the following section must be completed.
I ________________________________________________, am duly authorized to provide the following
confirmation on behalf of the Department/Faculty of ________________________ at __________________________
I hereby confirm that __________________________________ is:
Enrolled in an accredited program and
Has completed 60 credit hours in courses that contribute to the SPCs for accreditation.
_________________________________ ___________________________
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