Fencing Criteria
To qualify for the Special Owner Policy Classication the dog owner’s property will need to have fencing which meet the
following criteria:
1. Fencing must be of a sufcient height to prevent the dog(s) jumping over. As a guide, a minimum height of 1.5
metres above ground level (inside the property) may be sufcient for standard breeds, while 0.8 metres may be suf-
cient for miniature breeds.
2. Area of fenced section is to be no less than 200m
or 100m
for miniature breeds.
3. Every gate or door in the fence shall be kept closed while not in use.
4. Every gate or door in the fence shall be tted with a latching device.
5. The fencing shall be constructed with permanent materials and in such a manner that will prevent the dog(s) from
digging under or passing through any part of the fence.
6. The fencing shall be constructed in such a manner that will prevent the dog(s) from being able to put its/their
head(s) through any gap or other opening in the fence. This section shall only apply in respect of those parts of the
fencing which border any public place, private way or other private property.
7. Owners must notify Waitomo District Council of any changes of address and if moving to a fenced property, will
need to re-apply. Forms for making a new application are available from Waitomo District Council ofces, Queen
Street, Te Kuiti or our website www.waitomo.govt.nz.
Alternative means of keeping dog(s) inside the Property
1. Kennel and Cage / Run
This will allow the dog to be safely contained without danger or entanglement or slipping out of his/her
collar. The run should be proportional to the needs of each dog.
2. Running Wire
A strong wire should be set up with the dog’s chain attached to the wire through a swivel. A limiting
device needs to be used on each end of the wire to prevent the dog from becoming entangled.
NEVER secure your dog to a raised area such as a deck or terrace, or next to a fence. If the dog jumps
off the side or over the railings, strangulation is likely to occur.
Which ever method you choose, remember that your dog requires regular time-out for toilet and exercise and fresh
water is to be available at all times.
Application for SOP
For ofce use only
Animal Control Ofcer
Approve / Decline letter sent
Dog / Owner records checked and updated