Application for Renewal of Manager’s Certificate #954812
Mackenzie, Timaru, Waimate District Licensing Committee Page 4
1 This application must be accompanied by the prescribed fee. Application fees are
set by the Ministry of Justice. For more information see www.justice.govt.nz
2 This application must be filed with the District Licensing Committee before the
certificate expires.
3 The New Zealand Police are required by the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012
to make inquiries into the suitability of the applicant. This will involve informing
the District Licensing Committee and the Alcohol Regulatory and Licensing
Authority of any convictions or concerns involving the applicant. Should there be
any concerns, the applicant will also be informed. By signing this form, you
consent to the release of this information.
4 Please note that a person may not be appointed as a manager of any licensed
premises unless the person is of or over the age of 20, and holds a manager’s
certificate (section 216 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012).
Please read and complete this checklist BEFORE submitting the application.
Include with application form:
The original completed application.
All criminal convictions must be disclosed. Recent criminal conviction(s) may lead to
the suspending or declining of this application.
Evidence of relevant training certificate (showing unit standards 4646 and 16706) and
Licence Controller Qualification (LCQ) Certificate.
If you were not born in New Zealand you must produce proof of your right to be
working in New Zealand by means of one of the following:
− Copy of valid passport with current work permit/visa
− Copy of granting of Permanent Residence for New Zealand
Copy of New Zealand Citizenship
Fee of $316.25 attached (cheques made payable to Timaru District Council). If you
wish to pay online please see information on the previous page.