2 – Application for Recognised Seasonal Employer Status – August 2018
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RSE Instructions process
Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE)
Agreement to Recruit (ATR)
Visa application
Employer applies for recognition as an RSE.
Validity: twoyears. A further application
must be made prior to the end of this
period. (RSE status may be granted for
three years for subsequent applications.)
Employer with RSE status applies
for an agreement to recruit workers
from offshore.
Validity: one seasonal period.
Prospective worker with an offer of
employment linked to an ATR applies for
a visa offshore.
Validity: seven months maximum in any
11-month period.
However, if the applicant is a citizen
of Tuvalu or Kiribati, and is normally
resident in Tuvalu or Kiribati, they may
be granted a visa for a maximum stay
of ninemonths.
Step 4:
Following season
Options for the overseas worker to return to New Zealand next season if conditions are met, and:
• they have complied with all immigration requirements, and
• there is a continued labour shortage present, and
• a new Agreement to Recruit is obtained.
RSE requirements
To be granted RSE status, applicants must demonstrate that they:
• are a New Zealand employer (as defined in RSE Instructions), and
• are in a sound financial position, and
• have human resource policies and practices that are of a high standard, promote the welfare of employees,
andinclude a dispute resolution process, and
• have shown a commitment to training New Zealanders, and to recruiting New Zealanders, and
• have good workplace practices, including a history of compliance with all immigration and employment laws
such as the Immigration Act, the Injury Prevention, Rehabilitation, and Compensation Act, the Minimum Wage Act,
the Health and Safety at Work Act, the Employment Relations Act, the Holidays Act, and the Wages Protection Act.
• are able to meet the further requirements set out below.
Applicants must consent to INZ seeking information from other services of the Ministry of Business, Innovation
&Employment, the Ministry of Social Development, Inland Revenue, the Accident Compensation Corporation and any
relevant unions, agencies, and industry bodies concerning the applicant’s compliance with New Zealand employment,
health and safety, and immigration laws.
Where such consent is not given, an application for RSE status may be declined.
INZ must be satisfied that employers will:
• take all reasonable steps to recruit and train New Zealanders for available positions before seeking to recruit
workers who are not New Zealand citizens or residence class visa holders, and
• not use a recruitment agent who seeks a commission from workers in exchange for securing an employment
agreement, to recruit overseas workers, and
• pay for half the return airfare between New Zealand and the worker’s country of residence for each worker recruited
under RSE Instructions (or half the return airfare between New Zealand and Nadi, Fiji, for workers from Kiribati and
Tuvalu), and
• comply with the requirements for employment agreements including the minimum remuneration and pay deduction
requirements as set out in RSE Instructions, and
• make available appropriate pastoral care (including food, shelter, clothing, and access to health services and
suitableaccommodation) to their overseas workers at a reasonable cost during the period of employment, and
• promptly notify INZ if any overseas workers breach the conditions of their visa, and
• promptly notify INZ of any disputes with holders of RSE limited visas that have resulted in the suspension or
dismissal of the worker, and