Filing for Exemption
Minnesota Statutes 272.02, subdivision
90 provides a property tax exemption to
qualifying nursing homes and boarding
care homes. e facility must be exempt
from federal income taxation pursu-
ant to section 501(c)(3) of the Internal
Revenue Code, and must meet one of
the following requirements:
• efacilityiscertiedtoparticipate
in the medical assistance program
under title 19 of the Social Security
Act; or
• efacilitycertiesthatitdoesnot
discharge residents due to the inabil-
ity to pay.
Applications are due February 1of the
assessment year. is application must
exemption, applications will again be
due in 2013, 2016, 2019, etc.
In cases of sickness, absence, disability
or for other good cause, the assessor
statement of exemption for a period not
to exceed 60 days.
Required Documentation
You must provide the following docu-
mentation with this application:
• AdesignationfromtheIRSproving
status as a 501(c)(3) organization; and
• acopyofthefacility’sdischarge
policy showing that residents are not
discharged due to the inability to pay;
• proofthatthefacilityiscertiedto
participate in the medical assistance
program under title 19 of the Social
Security Act.
tion under Minnesota Statute 272.02
if the taxpayer claiming the exemption
knowingly violates any of the provisions
of this section.
Assessor May Request
Additional Information
Upon written request by the assessor,
taxpayers must make available to the
assessor all necessary books and records
relating to the ownership or use of
property which can help verify whether
Sale or Purchase of
Exempt Property
Property which is exempt from prop-
erty tax on January 2 and, due to sale or
other reason, loses its exemption prior
to July 1 of that year, will be placed on
the current assessment rolls for that
e valuation will be determined with
respect to its value on January 2 of such
the use to which the property was put
by the purchaser, or
in the event the purchaser has not uti-
lized the property by July 1, the intend-
ed use of the property, as determined
by the county assessor, based upon all
relevant facts.
Use of Information
e information on this form is re-
quired by Minnesota Statutes, section
272.02 to properly identify you and
determine if you qualify for this prop-
erty tax exemption. Your Social Secu-
rity number is required. If you do not
provide the required information, your
application may be delayed or denied.
Your County Assessor may also ask for
Making false statements on this ap-
plication is against the law. Minnesota
Statutes, section 609.41 states that any-
one giving false information in order to
avoid or reduce their tax obligations is
up to one year in prison.
out this form.
Applying for Exemption from Property Tax