Your Relationship to the Person Whose Certicate is Requested: (Check One)
Identication of the person requesting the certicate is required. See Page 2 for a list of acceptable IDs.
Spouse (Current)
Authorized agent, attorney or legal representative
of the person listed (Proof REQUIRED)
Other (may not be entitled to a certied copy) Specify _______________________________________________________________________
North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services
Division of Public Health • N.C. Vital Records
Telephone: 919-733-3000
Attn: Death, Marriage, Divorce
Certificate Order
1903 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1900
Location: 225 North McDowell St. Raleigh,
NC 27603-1382
Application for North Carolina Death, Marriage or Divorce Record
A Death, Marriage or Divorce Certicate search costs $2
4 and includes one copy if a certicate is located. The search covers a three-year period.
This search fee is non-refundable. There is a fee of $15 for each additional certificate copy requested from the same search. If you want same-
day walk-in service, an additional $15 expedited processing fee is required. Make your certified check or money order payable to “N.C. Vital
Records.” Please do not send cash in the mail. Personal checks are not accepted. If you have questions, our telephone number is
Full Name of Deceased
Date of Death (Month/Day/Year) ________________ Age at Time of Death ____________ Race _______________________________
Location of Death (City or County)_____________________________________________________________
Date of Birth (Month/Day/Year)________________________________________________________________
Full Name of Groom/Applicant
Full Name of Bride/Applicant
Date of Marriage
(Month/Day/Year) _________________________________________________________
County Where License Was Issued __________________________________________________________
Full Name of Husband/Spouse
Full Name of Wife/Spouse
Date of Divorce (Month/Day/Year)__________________________________________________________
Location of Divorce (City or County)________________________________________________________
First Name Middle Name Last Name Last Name prior to rst marriage, if applies
First Name Middle Name Last Name Last Name prior to rst marriage, if applies
DHHS-VR-DMD (Revised 01/2022)
NC Office of Vital Records
County (provide city or town if county is unknown)
Ofce Use Only
Ofce Use Only
Ofce Use Only
Please Print
First Name Middle Name Last Name Last Name prior to rst marriage, if applies
First Name Middle Name Last Name Last Name prior to rst marriage, if applies
First Name Middle Name Last Name Last Name prior to rst marriage, if applies
Marriage Certicate Number of Copies Requested:______ □ Certied (Suitable for legal purposes) ______ □ Uncertied (Not suitable for legal purposes)
Divorce Certicate Number of Copies Requested:______ □ Certied (Suitable for legal purposes) ______ □ Uncertied (Not suitable for legal purposes)
Death Certicate Number of Copies Requested:______ □ Certied (Suitable for legal purposes) ______ □ Uncertied (Not suitable for legal purposes)
How do you plan to use this record?
Signature of Person Requesting the Certicate
Print Name of Person Requesting the Certicate
Mailing Address Including City, State and Zip Code
(If mailing to a P.O. Box, street address must also be listed to the right)
Street Address Including City, State and Zip Code
Date Signed
(Area Code) Telephone Number (During business hours)
Ofce Use Only: SFN _______________________________ DCN _____________________________ Cartridge/Frame __________________________________
Amount received: $_______________________ Identication presented_________________________________________________________________________
Request number ___________________________________________Request date ________________________________________________________________
I hereby certify that all the above information is true to the best of my knowledge. Note: It is a felony violation of North Carolina Law (G.S. 130A-26A) to make a false statement on this
application or to unlawfully obtain a copy or certied copy of a vital record.
Identication of the person requesting a certicate is required. See page 2 for a list of acceptable IDs.