Public Release of Data – Tennessen Warning
Applications for public financial assistance from the City of Edina and the Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority
(HRA) will be made available to the public upon request in accordance with Minnesota Statutes. Applicants are not required
to complete this application form, but if information about the project is insufficient (in the sole opinion of the City of Edina
and the Edina HRA), the application will not be evaluated.
The following data submitted by persons requesting financial assistance from the City of Edina and the Edina Housing and
Redevelopment Authority is deemed to be private or non-public data: financial statements, credit reports, business plans,
income and expense projections, customer lists, balance sheets, income tax returns and design market and feasibility reports
not paid for with public funds. This data shall become public if the City and HRA provides financial assistance to the
applicant except the following, which remain Private or Nonpublic: business plans; income and expense projections not
related to the financial assistance provided; customer lists; income tax returns and design, market, and feasibility studies
not paid for with public funds.
Any information provided in relation to this request for public financial assistance will be made accessible to the following
persons or entities:
1. Employees, agents, attorneys and officials of the City and HRA who have a need to know about the information in
the course of their duties or responsibilities;
2. Individuals or entities who have obtained a court order for the information;
3. Other persons or entities, if state or federal law subsequently authorizes such access;
4. If litigation arises, the information may be provided in documents filed with the court which are available to the
public. If it is reasonably necessary to discuss the information at an HRA meeting, it will be available to members
of the public.
__________________________________________ ______________________
Signature Date
By signing this Application, I __________________________ attest that I am a duly appointed representative of the
Applicant and that to the best of my knowledge, all the information contained herein is accurate and complete. I agree to
bear the financial cost incurred by the City of Edina and Edina HRA related to this request. I understand that the financial
responsibility remains valid regardless whether or not this request is approved. I fully understand that application for
Public Financial Assistance is no guarantee of approval and that all fees are non-refundable.
______________________________ ___________________________
Print Name Signature
______________________________ ___________________________
Title Date