Application for Interest Free Status Last revised June 2018 Page 2
Application for Interest Free Status
for a Person on Parental Leave
for Alberta Student Loans
Applicant Declaration
I declare and warrant that:
• the information that I have provided in this Application, and
any additional information that I have provided to Advanced
Education in respect of this Application is true and complete,
and I understand it is subject to audit.
I agree to:
• immediately notify Advanced Education in writing of any
change to any information contained in this Application.
• provide information or documents as requested by Advanced
Education to verify any statements made in this Application.
I understand that my personal information may be disclosed
and exchanged:
• by and between Advanced Education and any other federal,
provincial or territorial government department or agency,
educational institution, or nancial institution to verify any
information I have provided to Advanced Education and to
determine my eligibility for the parental leave interest free status.
• by and between Advanced Education, the federal government
and the educational institution(s) named in my application(s)
for nancial assistance, for use in research, statistical
analysis, and evaluations related to student nancial
assistance programs.
I understand that:
• I must submit this Application and provide evidence of one
of the Qualifying Events within 12 months from the last day
of attendance in full-time or part-time studies, to be assessed
for eligibility for interest free status due to parental leave.
• I will be expected to start repayment of my Alberta Student
Loans, as required, if I do not return to full-time or part-time
study at the end of my parental leave.
• I may be denied parental leave interest free status if I fail to
provide the documents or information as requested by Advanced
Education to verify statements made in this Application.
• if I make a false or misleading statement in this Application,
or fail to disclose information as requested by Advanced
Education, I may be denied nancial assistance, including
parental leave interest free status and/or required to
immediately repay all nancial assistance received,
and/or subject to criminal prosecution.
• failure to disclose information or provide updated information
as requested by Advanced Education may constitute the
making of a false or misleading statement.
I have read the Applicant Declaration and I conrm that the Applicant Declaration applies to the information that I have provided in this
Application and to any additional information that I may subsequently provide to Advanced Education in respect of this Application.
Signature of Applicant Today’s Date
Day Month Year
Spouse/Partner Declaration
(Complete only if you are providing documents in support of the Applicant’s request for interest free status.)
For the purpose of verifying the data provided in my Spouse/Partner’s Application for Parental Leave Interest Free Status,
• I declare that the information included on this Application and any additional information that I have provided to Advanced Education
in respect of this Application is true and complete.
• I understand that my personal information will be disclosed and exchanged by and between Advanced Education and any other
federal, provincial or territorial government department or agency, or educational institution, or nancial institution to verify my
personal information included on this form, and to determine my spouse’s/partner’s eligibility for parental leave interest free status.
• I understand that my personal information will be disclosed and exchanged between Advanced Education and the federal
government, and by Advanced Education and the federal government, for use in research, statistical analysis, or evaluations related
to student nancial assistance programs.
I have read the Spouse/Partner Declaration and I conrm that the Spouse/Partner Declaration applies to the information that I have
provided in this Application and to any additional information that I may subsequently provide to Advanced Education in respect of this
Signature of Spouse/Partner Today’s Date
Day Month Year