AEC Form 634
REV 061020
Mailing Address:
City: County: State: Zip:
Phone: Representative:
Email Address: Fax Number:
Contractor’s License #: City/County/State:
Location (if different from above):
Account Number:
Inverter Manufacturer: Model:
Nameplate Rating (AC): (KW) (KVA) (AC Volts)
System Design Capacity (AC): (kW) (kVA)
# of Phases: ☐Single ☐Three # of Inverters in System:
Battery Backup: ☐Yes ☐No
If Yes – Manufacturer: Model:
Energy Source: ☐ Solar ☐Wind ☐Hydro ☐ Residential Battery
☐ Other (describe) Total Site Load (highest kW demand last 12 months)
Residential Commercial Industrial
Annual Estimated Generation (AC): (kWH)
Estimated Installation Date: Estimated In Service Date:
Disconnect is accessible and marked as a Participation Generation Disconnect: Yes No
In addition to the items listed above, please attach a detailed one-line diagram of the proposed facility,
all applicable elementary diagrams, major equipment (generators, transformers, inverters, circuit
breakers, protective relays, batteries, number and location of PV panels, etc.) specifications, test
reports, etc., and any other applicable drawing or documents necessary for the proper design of the
interconnection. Also describe the address of grid coordinates (Latitude and Longitude) of the facility.
The member agrees to provide AEC with any additional information required to complete the
interconnection. For help on finding a contractor please contact AEC.