Application for Inter-Campus Transfer for the 2020-2021 Academic Year
MY ADDRESS WHEN I AM NOT AT ST. JOHN’S IS: All email communications will be sent to your SJC address PHONE
I request approval for inter-campus transfer at the beginning of the next academic year for the following reason(s):
Current Campus: r Annapolis r
Santa Fe Transfer Campus: r Annapolis r Santa Fe
At this time, I plan to transfer back to my home campus after one year.
r Yes r No
I need St. John’s College grant assistance:
r Yes r No
Rising sophomores transferring from Santa Fe are required to live on-campus and select a meal plan, contingent upon housing
availability. Rising juniors and seniors transferring from Santa Fe are not guaranteed on-campus housing.
St. John’s College is conceived as a single college existing on two campuses. A principal feature of this structure is the opportunity
for students to study the program and experience life on both campuses. Any student in good academic standing may apply for
transfer to the alternate campus for the upcoming academic year. Because enrollment, staffing, and housing on the campuses can
be disrupted by a great imbalance in the numbers of students going each way, the number of transfer students may be limited.
Students wishing to transfer between the campuses must follow the protocol described below:
A. The deadline on both campuses for submitting the Application for Inter-Campus Transfer is the third Monday in
February. No late applications will be accepted. The application, accompanied by the $500 advance deposit, is submitted
to the Registrar of the campus currently attended. The application is subject to approval by the Dean and Assistant Dean
on both campuses. After the application deadline the $500 advance deposit is neither refundable nor transferable. If the
application is not approved, however, the $500 advance deposit is transferable for the upcoming year only. An advance deposit
will not be rolled forward to a future year. Once a transfer application has been approved by both campuses and a student
changes their mind about transferring, a space on the home campus cannot be guaranteed, availability for financial aid may be
limited, and the student would pay an additional advance deposit of $500 to the home campus.
B. A transfer applicant who requires St. John’s grant assistance must complete and file all paperwork for the Renewal FAFSA
or CSS Profile (international students only) by March 1. The FAFSA must be sent to both campuses. The school codes for the
FAFSA are Annapolis 002092 and Santa Fe 002093; school codes for the CSS application are 5598 for Annapolis and
4737 for Santa Fe. Approved transfer applicants receive only one award—from the campus to which they plan to
transfer. If a transfer applicant fails to have all financial aid paperwork complete by the March 1 deadline and
in accordance with the above instructions, the transfer application will be voided.
C. Each applicant (including readmit and transfer applicants) on the campus with the greater number of students wishing to
transfer will be assigned by lottery a ranking number within one of the following categories:
First Priority: Students who have transferred for just one year, alternating between rising seniors and rising juniors.
Second Priority: Rising Seniors.
Third Priority: Students who were unable to transfer the previous year because of low priority.
Fourth Priority: All remaining applicants alternating between rising juniors and rising sophomores.
D. Applications will be approved in the order of their ranking, subject to the needs of the college as determined by the deans
and presidents of the college.