September 2019
Application for Full-Time Continuation Status
The normal status for continuation students is part-time. Under exceptional circumstances, and for a limited period of
time, a continuation student may be identified as full-time.
In order for full-time status to apply, students will normally:
1. be geographically available to the university,
2. visit the campus regularly,
3. not be engaged in full-time employment (on or off campus) and
4. be in pursuit of their studies as a full-time occupation.
Students requesting full-time continuation status are required to complete and sign the attached disclosure. The form must
be endorsed by the Supervisor, authorized by the Program Coordinator, and submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies
and Research. Students will only be contacted if there are questions about the eligibility for full-time status. It is a serious
offense for an individual applying for full-time continuation status to misrepresent themself in regard to the above
Student: Fill out sections 1 to 5
1. Provide your name and contact information
3. Identify the terms for which you seek full-time status
4. Please provide a justification for this request. Include your employment situation, availability to
the campus/supervisor, research/writing activities for the requested period and your anticipated
program completion date. (Attach a separate page if needed)