Index A
1. Application Form: All pages of the attached Application form should be completed and sent to the College,
including the $132 Application fee payment. This form can be sent to the College by email, fax, or mail.
2. Consent to a Criminal Record Check form: You can find this form attached to this Application form. This is a
requirement pursuant to the BC Criminal Records Review Act. Do not take this form to a police detachment.
Simply complete this form and send it to the College by email, fax, or mail.
3. Identification: A high quality copy of two (2) pieces of identification. One must be government issued photo
identification. These copies can be sent to the College by email, or mail. For a list of acceptable ID, click here.
Applicants born outside Canada must provide proof of Canadian citizenship, permanent residency or work permit
with a copy of both sides of their Canadian immigration status once these documents are available.
4. Police Information Check (this is a requirement separate from and in addition to completing the 'Consent to a
Criminal Record Check' form listed as item 2 above): Applicants are required to submit a national or federal
criminal record check from their country of residence. The original copy of the result of the check must be mailed
to the College by the applicant if the issuing agency will not send it directly to the College.
a. If your country of residence is Canada, this requirement can be fulfilled by visiting your local police
detachment and requesting a Police Information Check including the vulnerable sector.
b. If your country of residence is the USA, you are required to submit an FBI Identity History Summary
c. Criminal record checks are required from any country in which an applicant was a resident or worked as
an adult. If citizenship or permanent residency in Canada has been granted and the applicant has not
resided outside Canada since the date of issue, the College may accept proof of a Permanent Resident
Card or Canadian Citizenship or Canadian work permit information in lieu of international criminal record
d. A criminal record does not automatically disqualify an applicant from registration; however, it is necessary
to provide details of the incident that gave rise to the criminal record.
5. Resume: An up-to-date resume with complete work history pertaining to social services. Applicants may be
required to provide additional information. This can be sent to the College by email, fax, or mail.
6. Official Transcript: An official transcript of your highest social work degree must be mailed directly to the College
by the awarding institution.
a. If you have completed all the requirements of your degree but are awaiting conferral, please request an
official ‘Degree Completion Letter’ to be sent directly to the College from the educational institution by mail
or email (info@bccsw.ca); degrees are not listed on transcripts until after convocation.
i. Applicants must still arrange for an official transcript to be mailed directly to the College after their
degree has been conferred by the awarding institution.
b. Applicants educated outside Canada and the USA must arrange to have a basic report from the
International Credential Evaluation Service (ICES) sent directly to the BCCSW. Find their information at
c. Applicants who do not have a social work degree should refer to the College’s requirements for individuals
without a social work degree here.
7. Reference Forms: Two (2) letters of reference on the forms provided sent directly to the College by the referees
(refer to the website for correct form).
a. Referees must have known the applicant for over one year and not be a relative.
b. Reference forms can be sent to the College through email, fax, or mail.
8. Verification of Registration/Licensure form: Applicants, who are currently or have been in the past registered
with another regulatory body, are required to have this form submitted by each regulatory body. There are
separate forms for social work regulators and non-social work regulators, which can be found on the
'Application Forms' page of our website. Please ensure that you are using the appropriate form. This form must be
mailed back to the College from the other body.