Office of Admissions • 3800 Hillsborough Street
Raleigh, NC 27607-5298 • (919) 760-8581 or
1-800-MEREDITH • FAX (919) 760-2348
Application for First Year Undergraduate Admission
Application Status (please respond to each statement or question)
I am applying as a:
First Year Early Decision
First Year Early Action
First Year Regular
complete and sign the
early decision agreement on
page 11
I am applying for admission
beginning in the term:
August of ______ (year)
January of ______ (year)
I plan to reside:
At home (local students -
approval required)*
*complete and sign the
agreement on page 12
Personal Information (All information provided is confidential and only used by Meredith College)
Legal name _________________________________________________________________ /
first middle or maiden last preferred or nickname
U.S. Social Security number _________ – ________ – ___________ Date of birth ________ / ______ / ________
month day year
Gender Female Male
Permanent address ___________________________________________________________ / __________________
street, route county
_____________________________________________________________ Home Phone (_______) ______________
state ZIP/postal code
___________________________________________________________ / ___________________________________
province country
Mailing address (if different) ___________________________________________________________ / ____________
street, route county
_____________________________________________________________ Home Phone (_______) ______________
city state ZIP/postal code
___________________________________________________________ / ___________________________________
province country
E-mail ________________________________________________________Cell Phone (_______) _______________
The Office of Admissions will contact you a number of ways regarding your application, however, we wish to
know your preference for how we communicate with you. Please check all that apply:
Email____ Cell Phone____ Home Phone____ Text Message____
Indicating preference signifies your approval for Meredith to communicate with you via these methods.
Are you a North Carolina resident?
Yes No If yes, how long? ____________________________________
If no, or less than a year, where?
Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Have you
already submitted the FAFSA?
Yes No
Do you have a parent or guardian currently employed by Meredith College?
Yes No
Are you a veteran?
Yes No
Country of citizenship
USA Other ___________________________________________________________
If OTHER, please specify country & complete applicable questions in shaded box on the next page.
If any of the above information changes, please contact the Office of Admissions.
Will you be applying for
financial aid?
Yes No
Meredith College admits qualified women students without regard to race, creed,
sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, age, or disability.
If Not a U.S. Citizen
1. Are you a resident alien (also called permanent resident/green card holder)? YES NO
If YES, please indicate alien registration number and skip to question 5: ____________________________________
2. Are you currently in the U.S.? YES NO If YES, please specify visa type or special circumstances:
(Additional information will be requested if you are accepted for admission)
3. Will you require a student (F-1) visa?
YES NO If YES, indicate your country of birth: ___________________
4. Are you a dual citizen (a citizen of more than one country)? YES NO
If YES, which country’s passport will you use when entering the U.S.? ______________________________________
5. Is English your native language? YES NO
Was English the primary language of instruction in your most recent schooling? YES NO
A photocopy of passport, permanent resident card, Visa and/or I-94 card will be required if accepted for
admission. Further information will also be required for F-1 Visa holders.
Optional Information (used for statistical studies and reports)
How did you first become interested in Meredith College? (check one)
Alumna Current Student Family Friend College Fair Meredith Publications
Internet Guidance Counselor Athletics Other ______________________________________
Race and Ethnic Origin
Are you Hispanic or Latina?
Yes No *If yes, mother/guardian’s country of origin _______________
*If yes, father/guardian’s country of origin ________________
Please select one or more of the following groups of which you consider yourself a member:
American Indian or Alaskan Native Asian Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander White Other
First Generation College Student Yes No
A first generation college student is a student from a family in which neither parent/guardian has earned a
four-year degree.
Important – your response has no impact on your application for admission.
Family Information
Parent/Guardian name __________________________________________________ Is he/she living? YES NO
first middle last
This is my primary parent/guardian YES NO Relationship: ______________________________________
Home address __________________________________________________________________________________
street, route or PO Box
city state ZIP/postal code province country
E-mail address __________________________________________________________________________________
Home phone (_____) ______________________________ Cell phone (_____) _____________________________
Occupation/Position _____________________________________________________________________________
Employer _______________________________________________ Work phone (_______)