_____ Academics (Specify) __________________
_____ The Kitchens
_____ Administrative Office
_____ Facilities
_____ Library
______ Student Life
Sign ____________________________________ Date ______________________________
Application for Federal Work Study
Eligible students should:
1) Submit a FAFSA and complete all verification requirements;
2) Demonstrate financial need;
3) Be in good academic standing and meet satisfactory academic progress requirements;
4) Be enrolled in at least 6 credits per semester in which you work as a FWS student at Reynolds;
5) Meet all federal financial aid eligibility requirements.
**Please type signature on line above.
Please e-mail the completed application to FWS@reynolds.edu.
Name __________________________________________ Student I.D. ________________
Address _______________________________Apt. ______ City/State _________________
Telephone: Day (___) _____________ Evening (___) _______________
Major (Program of Study) __________________________
Is this your first college Work-Study job? If no, which academic year did you work?
______Student Services (Which area of Student Services?) ___________________________
______ Other (Please specify)______________________________
Please check any skill(s) that you possess which will help in the position(s) you are inquiring about.
_____ Clerical Skills (Filling, Faxing, Copying) _____ Customer Service
_____ Computer Skills (i.e. Microsoft Office, Canvas, Zoom, etc.)_____________________________
_____ Academic Abilities (Math, Science, Language, etc.)____________________________
_____ Technical Skills (Data Entry, Programming, etc.) ___________________________________
_____ Other (Please specify)_______________________________________________________
Please give a brief description of previous work experiences you have.