Checklist of Requirements, Continued:
Final Plat Subdivision
The exact location, alignment and width along property lines of all streets, whether opened
or not, intersecting or paralleling the boundaries of the subdivision;
The exact location and character of all monuments;
The exact location, alignment or arrangement of street and alley lines in the subdivision,
the names of all streets, the bearing, angles of intersection and width thereof, including
their width along the line of any obliquely intersecting street;
The lengths of arcs, radii, chords and chord bearings of all curves;
The exact location, alignment or arrangement of all easements provided for use by public
service corporations, with a statement of any restrictions or limitations placed on such use;
The acreage of each lot and the width of the lot at the setback line;
The exact location, alignment or arrangement of all lot lines with their dimensions
expressed in feet and hundredths of a foot and with their bearings or angles to the nearest
ten (10) seconds;
The tangent distance of all corners when rounded at intersections, except in cases where
streets intersect at right angles;
All lots shall be numbered with consecutive Arabic numerals in each block;
All blocks shall be lettered in alphabetical order;
In case of resubdivision of lots in any block, the lots shall be numbered with consecutive
Arabic numerals beginning with the number following the highest lot number in the block;
The exact boundaries of all property to be dedicated for public use, and of all property to
be reserved by covenant in deeds for the common use of the occupants of lots in the
subdivision or otherwise reserved, with a statement of the purpose for which such
covenant or reservation is made or such use is restricted or limited;
The name of the subdivision or section or part thereof, the date, scale and the name of the
engineer or surveyor who prepared the plat, which shall be contained in a space not
exceeding four (4) inches high and six (6) inches wide in the lower right-hand corner of the
plat. The name of the subdivision shall appear more distinctively than the other data;
The names and locations of contiguous or adjoining subdivisions and the ownership of
other contiguous or adjoining property;
The name of the subdivider;
The north point with magnetic bearing, or if the true meridian is shown, the basis for its
determination shall be stated;
A statement of the engineer or surveyor who prepared the plat, certifying that the plat
represents and is based on a survey made by him or under his direction and supervision;
that all monuments shown thereon are actually in place or will be put in place before a
date specified by him; that their location and character are truly shown on the plat; and,
that all of the provisions and requirements of this chapter have been observed and fully
complied with;