Rev. 9/2020
Application for Degree
NAME: Print name exactly as you want it to appear on the diploma. Use upper and lower case letters.
(If you submit documentation for a name change after submitting this form, you must complete another Application for Degree if you want your new name
to appear on your diploma).
Name Student ID #
Street Address City State Zip Code
Phone Number NON FONTBONNE E-mail
Degree applying for, as listed in catalog:
Concentration(s): _______________________________ Minor(s):
Certification(s): ________________________________ Year of catalog you are following for degree: ________
Anticipated date of degree completion:
Enter Year Deadline for Application
July 20_______ April 15 / March 1 if walking in the May Commencement Ceremony
August 20_______ June 15/ March 1 if walking in the May Commencement Ceremony
October 20_______ August 15
December 20_______ September 15
March 20_______ December 15
May 20_______ February 1
I understand that it is my responsibility to meet all degree requirements and that A $75 application fee is charged to my account after the
form has been submitted (one-time fee). If I am a first-time bachelor degree seeking student who wants to be considered for graduation
honors, I must have all transcripts from other colleges or universities in the Registrar’s Office no later than: May 31 for the July/August
posting - September 30 for the October/December posting - January 31 for the March/May posting.
___________________________________________________________ ______________________________
Student Signature Date
___________________________________________________________ ______________________________
Advisor Signature Date