Clover Park Technical College grants four degrees, the Bachelor of Applied
Science degree, the Associate of Applied Technology degree, the Associate of
Applied Science-T degree, and the Associate of Arts and Sciences DTA/MRP.
These degrees are defined in the CPTC catalog and the degree programs are
listed in the chapter “Programs and Courses.” A Certificate is awarded to
students who satisfactorily complete the competencies and requirements for
programs that are not defined as degree programs. General Education courses
are required in certificate programs 45 credits or more. Courses numbered
below 100 are not considered college level and do not meet degree/certificate
To be eligible for graduation, a student must have:
• A cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher
• Met all of the program requirements
• Completed 25 percent of the technical coursework at Clover Park
Technical College
To receive a Bachelors Degree, Associate Degree or Certificate from Clover
Park Technical College, a student must complete an Application for
Degree/Certificate online or in the Enrollment Services Office for each award
requested. The application must be filed by the fourth week of the quarter in
which the student expects to graduate.
Annually, Clover Park Technical College will offer an all campus graduation
ceremony at a local venue. Any eligible student completing a degree,
certificate, high school diploma or High School Equivalency Exam granted
through Clover Park Technical College at any time during the academic year
may participate. Students must RSVP to participate in the ceremony. For more
information please visit
Clover Park Technical College curriculum is based on current industry
standards. Returning Clover Park Technical College students who left prior to
completion of their program must meet the program’s graduation requirements
as described in the current Clover Park Technical College catalog. Clover Park
Technical College students who have completed the technical requirements of
their program but have not completed the general education requirements for a
degree or certificate will have one year from their date of withdrawal to
complete the required general education classes. If a longer period of time
lapses before general education courses are completed, the student will be
required to meet the program’s graduation requirements as described in the
current Clover Park Technical College catalog.