DL-64 7/2020
Mail check or money order payable to:
Texas Department of Public Safety
Texas Department of Public Safety, PO Box 149008, Austin, Texas, 78714-9008
Are you a citizen of the United States? Yes No
If you are not a U.S. citizen, you must apply at the local driver license ofce to change your address or obtain a replacement DL or ID card.
Driver License Number Identication Card Number
Date of Birth MM/DD/YYYY Phone Number
Social Security Number Sufx (SR., JR., etc.)
Last Name
First Name
Middle Name / Birth Surname
Residence – Street Address (Address cannot be a post ofce box or business address)
County State Zip Code
Mailing – Street Address or Post Ofce Box
County State Zip Code
Do you want a Veteran designator on your DL or ID, or are you 50% disabled or are you 40% and have had a lower extremity amputated and want a Disabled Veteran
designator on your DL or ID? If yes, select one: Veteran Disabled Veteran
(Proof of honorable discharge required; some acceptable documents are DD214/215, NGB22, VA disability letter, Veteran Identication card, proof of service/verication of
honorable service card. Proof of disability is required for Disabled Veteran designator)
If you want a Veteran or Disabled Veteran designator, do you also want the branch of service shown on your DL or ID?
If yes, select one: Army Air Force Coast Guard Marines Navy
Information on the front and back of this form must be completed before submitting.
Do you want to support the Glenda
Dawson Donate Life Texas Donor
registry? If yes, please indicate a
donation amount of $1 or more.
Yes No
Would you like to register as an organ
Yes No
Do you want to support Texas
Veterans? If yes, please indicate your
donation amount. $_______.00
(This donation does not apply to
CDL holders)
Yes No
Do you want to support survivors of
sexual assault? If yes, please indicate
a donation amount of $1 or more to
help fund the testing of sexual assault
evidence collection kits (rape kits).
Yes No
Do you want to support the issuance of
a DL/ID for foster or homeless youth?
If yes, please indicate a donation
amount of $1 or more $_______.00 to
exempt this population from paying any
(This donation does not apply
to CDL holders)
Yes No
Application for Change of Address or Replacement on valid Texas Driver
License (DL), Commercial Driver License (CDL) & Identication Card (ID)