Ohio Department of Commerce Application for certificate of use and occupancy
Revised 04/02/2019
Application Directions: All boxes, 1 through 11, must be completed in full or the application will be
returned. Please type or print legibly (in blue or black ink). Application forms are also available on our
website: www.com.ohio.gov/
1. Check the type of certificate of use and occupancy that you are requesting.
• Time-Limited occupancy: For an existing building or structure that you wish to use or occupy a portion
of the building for a use occupancy purpose other than what it was originally approved for a limited
period of time per section 111.1.5 Ohio Building Code. You must specify how many days that you wish
to occupy the building or structure for the new use occupancy purpose.
• Existing building occupancy: For an existing building that you wish to receive a new certificate of use
and occupancy because you have misplaced or lost the original one or as required by other local
authorities. Existing buildings with alterations, additions, or change of use and occupancy to an
existing building are not qualified for this application.
2. Is the building located in a city, township, or village?
3. List exact title of project or name of business. Provide specific address and location including tenant
space, suite numbers, floor number, crossroads, landmarks or any other directional guides.
4. List the owner of project, their address, telephone, and a contact person.
5. List the name of submitter, their address, and telephone. Correspondence will be sent to submitter.
6. Provide all required building information; these are necessary for the new certificate of use and occupancy
7. Provide all necessary supporting documents for any existing building.
• Proof of use group can be past utility bills, lease agreement, insurance statement showing the
use purpose of the existing building in the past.
• Fire safety inspection conducted by the local fire authority showing no outstanding violations.
• Floor plans must contain all exits, room name, dimension, and occupant load for each room;
For daycare center, it must also show the age range of children being cared for in each room.
8. For time-limited occupancy application only; provide the use group classification for the existing building
and the proposed use group classification.
9. Fees to be paid at the time of application submission.
10. Application cannot be processed without the signature of the owner or agent for the owner.
11. Please list method of payment. Make check payable to: Treasurer, State of Ohio if paid by a check.
12. This space is reserved for official use only.
• Mail completed application form along with payment and plans to “State of Ohio, Department of
Commerce, Division of Industrial Compliance, Bureau of Building Code Compliance, 6606 Tussing
Road, Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068-9009.” or,
• Fax appli
cation and all supporting documents to 614-644-3145, e-mail to
) and pay by credit cards. DO NOT WRITE CREDIT CARD NUMBER
ON THE APPLICATION. Include a phone number where you can be reached for the credit card
information. Once documentation has been reviewed and approved, you will receive notification in
the mail regarding the procedure to schedule inspections, or
• Go onto online web portal: https://icportal.com.ohio.gov/web/ohio/login to complete the application
form and upload all required supporting documents.
Once all required safety inspections are conducted and passed, a certificate of use and occupancy
will be issued and mailed to the applicant. The certificate of use and occupancy will also be available
on the web portal for downloading.