Part Three: Completed by the Employer
The above named student is requesting authorization to be employed off-campus under
Curricular Practical Training (CPT) for the internship required for his or her program of study at
Arkansas Tech University. Your assistance is necessary to process this request. Should you
have any questions, please feel free to contact the ISS at 479-964-0832 or imsso@atu.edu.
Thank you for your assistance.
1. ____________________________________________
Employer’s Name
2. _______________________________________________________________________
Employer’s Physical and/or Mailing Addresses
Date Scheduled to Begin* Date Scheduled to End**
*Students may not begin working until their I-20 has been endorsed for CPT authorization by the ISS in
compliance with immigration regulations.
**The end date can be no later than the end date of the semester for which CPT is authorized.
4. How many hours per week will the student work?*** _____hours
***CPT may be granted on either a full-time or part-time basis depending on the requirements for the
internship/work experience and the student’s graduation requirements. Immigration law defines “part-
time” as 20 hours per week or fewer (not to exceed 20 hours at any time) and “full-time” as 21 hours per
week or more.
Please sign below and attach an offer of employment letter which includes a
description of the proposed job duties. Thank you again for your assistance.
Employer’s Representative Signature