Rain Barrel Application, Version 06.26.20 2
the purpose of this free service. I hereby agree to hold harmless and indemnify the County, its officers,
agents, and employees from and against any and all liability, suits, actions, claims, damages, attorney’s fees,
and costs arising out of or resulting from the Residential Water Audit and/or any water-saving devices
_________ (Initial)
3. In acquiring a rain barrel(s) from Bernalillo County, I acknowledge that the County is not responsible for
any problem resulting from the installation, storage or use of the rain barrel(s). I understand that the proper
installation and use of the rain barrel(s) is solely my responsibility. I hereby agree to hold harmless and
indemnify the County, its officers, agents, and employees from and against any and all liability, suits,
actions, claims, damages, attorney’s fees, and costs arising out of or resulting from the installation, storage,
use and maintenance of a rain barrel(s) acquired through the County.
_________ (Initial)
4. I understand that if the property where the rain barrel(s) are to be installed has any unresolved issues
with any Bernalillo County departments, such as but not limited to building and zoning or environment
health code violations, the issues must be resolved before the rain barrel(s) can be provided.
_________ (Initial)
5. I understand that this program is dependent on funding. I understand that applications will be processed
and completed on a first-come first-served basis and that I may not receive services if there is not sufficient
_________ (Initial)
By signing, I certify that I have read, understand and agree to honor the above conditions and
_____________________________________________________ ____________________
Signature of Property Owner Date
For Office Use Only
Applicant Eligibility Verified By: Date:
_________________________________________________ ________________________
Property ownership verified through County Treasurer tax records?
Property taxes current according to County Treasurer tax records?
Property is not served by ABCWUA water?
Property is free from legal encumbrances and in compliance with all County codes?
Property owner has not previously received a rain barrel(s) through the Rain Barrel Program?
Application Approved By: Date:
_________________________________________________ ________________________
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