First Name (or Entity Name) Middle Name Last Name Suffix
Address City State ZIP
Email Phone Number
First Name (or Entity Name) Middle Name Last Name Suffix
Address City State ZIP
Email Phone Number
License Plate Pattern Purchase Date
Application for
Auction License Plate Transfer
Submit completed application and payment in the form of a personal check, money order, or cashier’s check to the Texas Department of
Motor Vehicles (TxDMV). Do not mail cash. The transfer fee is $25. Mail completed application and fee to:
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
Vehicle Titles and Registration Division
Specialty Plates Unit
4000 Jackson Avenue
Austin, Texas 78731
You will receive notification from the TxDMV regarding approval of the s pecialty plate transfer. The department will update the
specialty plate record to reflect the new applicant information below for the remainder of the unexpired auction term. Please
contact TxDMV at (512) 374-5010 if you have any questions.
Plate Eligibility
Only license plates initially purchased at an auction, with at least a five year plate term, from the state’s specialty license p late vendor, My
Plates, are eligible for transfer to a new owner.
Applicant Information
Seller/Donor Information
License Plate Information
Certification State law makes falsifying information a third degree felony.
I certify that I have sold/donated the above license plate pattern to the applicant/new owner.
Signature of Seller/Donor
Printed Name (Same as Signature)
I certify the license plate pattern provided meets the eligibility requirement listed on this application
Signature of Applicant
Printed Name (Same as Signature)
Form VTR-900 Rev. 5/2018 Form available online at
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