CITY OF PARKVILLE ▪ 8880 Clark Avenue ▪ Parkville, MO 64152 ▪ (816) 741-7676 ▪ FAX (816) 741-0013
Application for Appointed Boards, Commissions and Committees
Select the boards, commissions and committees in which you are interested in serving as a member:
___ Planning & Zoning Commission ___ Board of Zoning Adjustment
___ Ethics Commission ___ Community Land & Recreation Board
___ Industrial Development Authority ___ Tax Increment Financing Commission (TIF)
Name: ______________________________________ E-mail: ________________________________
Home Address (required): _______________________________________________________________
Mailing Address (if different than above): __________________________________________________
Are you a resident of the City of Parkville? ____ Yes ____ No
Applicants must be residents of Parkville.
Phone (day): ____________ Phone (evening): ____________ Email: _________________________
Current Employer: ______________________________ Title: ___________________________
How did you learn about Parkville boards and commissions?
[ ] Internet [ ] Community Group/Organization [ ] Mayor/Alderman [ ] Other
Why are you interested in serving on a Parkville board?
Have you ever served on a Parkville board? ____ Yes ____ No
If yes, which ones? ____________________________ Dates Served: ______________
Do you belong to any community organizations or professional groups?
Return to: Parkville City Hall
Please submit a resume or short biography
8880 Clark Avenue
with your application.
Parkville, Missouri 64153
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I declare that all statements in this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I further
declare that if I am appointed, I will serve fairly, impartially, and to the best of my ability. I acknowledge
that information contained in this application is public record and may be subject to public inspection
pursuant to Missouri Sunshine Laws.
I read and understand the above statement:
Applicant Signature: _________________________________________ Date: ______________
Appointments to boards, committees and commissions are approved annually by the Board of Aldermen the first
meeting in May and terms vary depending on the board/commission. Applications are accepted throughout the year
by the City Clerk. Appointments are made by the Mayor with the consent of the Board of Aldermen.
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