Admission Application/ssteckler/2021 01 21
2020 09 23
Professional and Ethical Conduct Policy
To ensure that the highest standards of professional and ethical conduct are promoted and supported in the
Department of Teacher Education, candidates must adhere to the prescribed professional and ethical
standards of the profession [e.g. North Dakota Education Standards and Practices Board, Interstate Teacher
Assessment and Support Consortium, National Education Association, or other standards relevant to the
profession]. Professional misconduct is defined as behavior that violates professional or ethical standards
for the profession. It may include misconduct that demonstrates the candidate’s unfitness for such
profession or discipline.
A candidate who engages in professional or ethical misconduct may be subject to academic sanctions such
as grade reduction, course failure, repeating field experiences (including the pre- service teaching
experience), suspension or dismissal from the program or the University, or other sanctions as appropriate.
Sanctions may also include a written reprimand, and/or written statement of misconduct filed into a
permanent record.
Any person who observes or discovers that a candidate has engaged in professional or ethical misconduct
should file a written complaint with the School of Education chair within ten (10) business days of the date
of discovery of the alleged violation. Upon receipt of the complaint, the School of Education chair will, within
ten (10) business days, discuss the alleged misconduct with the accused candidate and give the candidate an
opportunity to respond. The chair may interview the complaining party and any other persons believed to
have pertinent factual knowledge of the allegations. The chair may also review any other relevant evidence.
The chair will then determine whether there is a reasonable basis to believe that the candidate engaged in
professional or ethical misconduct. If the chair determines that there is no reasonable basis to believe that
the candidate engaged in professional or ethical misconduct, s/he will notify the candidate and the matter
will be dismissed. If the department chair determines that there is a reasonable basis for believing that the
candidate engaged in professional or ethical misconduct, s/he shall determine the appropriate sanction(s). If
the candidate complies with the terms and conditions of the sanction(s), the matter will be closed.
If the candidate feels the decision of the chair was arbitrary and capricious, s/he may submit a formal appeal.
A formal appeal must be submitted in writing to the Dean within five (5) business days of being notified of
the sanction(s). After the decision of the Dean, the candidate may appeal in writing to the Provost within
five (5) business days of the Deans’ decision. The decision of the Provost (or his/her designee) is final.
Teaching is a career in which attributes of character, integrity, and other professional dispositions are as relevant as
knowledge and skills. As such, I understand that should there be recurring and/or significant document dispositional
issues, I may be dismissed from the program.
Signature Date
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