Application for Admission
Langara College collects the information on this form under the authority of the College and Institute Act [RSBC 1996, Chapter 52, Sec-
tion 41.1]. This information isneeded, andwill be used, for purposes that are consistent with activity necessary to the operation of the
College and in compliance with the provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act [RSBC 1996, Chapter 165].
This information will be used for admission, registration, and maintenance of your student record. Information is shared with College
Advancement and the Langara Students’ Union.
By submiing this form I certify that a) I am the person named in the “Personal Information” section above, or I am an agent acting
on behalf of the applicant with their permission, b) I agree to the following:
• All statements on this application and supporting documents are true and complete.
• I authorize Langara College to verify any information provided as part of this application.
• I understand that evidence of falsified documents or misrepresentation will result in the cancellation of my admission or
• I understand that information about falsified documents is shared with other Canadian colleges and universities.
• I understand and acknowledge that it is my responsibility to be aware of, and comply with, all Langara College policies and
• In consideration of Langara College permiing me to participate in any program, I hereby release Langara College, its officers,
employees, servants, agents, contractors, and subcontractors from any and all claims and waive any and all claims I may have
now or in the future against Langara College, its officers, employees, servants, agents, contractors, and subcontractors that
arise out of or are related in any way to my involvement in any program and all associated activities.
• Admission is subject to assessment of qualifications and availability of seats. Admission to the College does not guarantee the
availability of any individual course.
Print name:
For questions about the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information, contact Registrar & Enrolment Services at
604.323.5241 or the Dean of Continuing Studies at 604.323.5322.
The personal information you provide on this form may be shared with the Ministry of Education and will be used to verify your
British Columbia Personal Education Number (PEN) or assign one to you. The personal information you provide and your PEN are
used for authorized statistical and research purposes only.
Application fee (Note 1)
Complete application form
Official score report of English language test, if applicable
Official transcripts and graduation document(s) with certified English translations
Submit completed application form with supporting documents and correct fee:
• Online through www.feeportal.langara.ca (search for Domestic Application)
• In person, with cash, cheque, Visa or MasterCard: Registrar and Enrolment Services (1st floor T building)
• By mail with cheque: Registrar & Enrolment Services, Langara College 100 West 49th Ave, Vancouver BC V5Y2Z6
Note 1: The application fee is non-refundable. Please refer to Langara’s refund policy regarding all other fees. Visit www.langara.ca to
learn more.