Name of Applicant or Authorized Representative
Current Street Address
City State Zip Code County
Provide the following information for each parcel of land you wish to enroll. The property to be enrolled must be no
less than 20 acres and total enrolled acreage is limited to 1,920 acres statewide. A property that is improved with a
structure that is not a minor ancillary non-residential structure will be split-classied, with 10 acres being assigned to
the structure. If you fail to provide the required information, including the number of acres of a parcel, your application
will be delayed or denied. You must attach a copy of your property tax statement for each parcel. You must also attach a
copy of your forest management plan that has been developed/updated by a DNR-approved plan writer within the last 10
Application for 2c Managed Forest Land Classication
(Rev. 5/13)
Provides for a reduced class rate of 0.65 percent to qualifying properties
(1) Unplatted real estate that is rural in character, is not used for agricultural purposes, and is not improved with a structure; may qualify for a reduced class rate
of 0.65 percent if the property meets all existing requirements. The property must have a qualifying forest management plan (forest stewardship plan) that is
registered with the DNR, but the property cannot be enrolled in the Sustainable Forest Incentive Act (SFIA) program. A minor ancillary, non-residential structure
(see instructions for description) does not disqualify a property from this classication. The commissioner of natural resources must conrm that a property
qualies for the classication.
Applications are due by May 1, for taxes payable the following year. Please read instructions before completing application.
Attach a separate application if you Total Acres to be Enrolled....
need more space to list parcels.
A- Property Identication Number (PID)
The PID is not the legal description. Attach a
copy of your property tax statement for each
B- Total Acreage of Parcel
Separately list for each parcel the total
number of acres of the parcel; round to the
nearest whole acre.
C- Number of Acres to be Enrolled
Separately list for each parcel the amount of
acres to be enrolled in the 2c classication;
round to the nearest whole acre.
Parcel Information
For Ofce Use Only
Name of applicant ________________________________Assessment year ____________
Assessor’s signature ______________________________Date _______________________
Sign Here
Signature of Applicant or Authorized Representative Date Daytime Phone
By signing below, I certify that this form is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. I am the owner of the
property or authorized representative of the organization that owns the property and I agree to follow the land’s forest management
plan and verify that there is not more than 1,920 acres enrolled for the classication.
I declare all information on this form is true, correct, and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief
I certify that none of eligible acres (column C) listed above are enrolled in the Sustainable Forest Incentive Act (SFIA) program.
Yes No
I have attached copies of the property tax statement for each parcel listed above.
Yes No
I have attached a copy of the registered forest management plan that encompasses all of the land/acres listed on this application,
and this plan was developed/updated by a DNR-approved plan writer within the last 10 years.
Year your forest management plan was developed/updated? _____________________________
I certify that my forest management plan is registered with the DNR
Yes No
You must attach all the requested documentation to your application to be eligible for this classication.
Please return completed application and required attachments to your county assessor.
Who is eligible?
e reduced class rate of 0.65 percent is
available to property owner’s who own
property that is:
Unplatted real estate that is rural in charac-
ter, is not used for agricultural purposes, and
is not improved with a structure; that has a
qualifying forest management plan in place,
but is not enrolled in the Sustainable Forest
Incentive Act (SFIA) program. A minor
ancillary, non-residential structure does not
disqualify a property from this classication.
e property must be no less than 20 acres
and total enrolled acreage is limited to 1,920
acres statewide. e property must also be
managed under a qualifying forest manage-
ment plan that was developed by a DNR
approved forest management plan writer
within the last ten years.
A property that is improved with a struc-
ture that is not a minor ancillary non-resi-
dential structure, or an improved building
site that provides water, sewer, or electrical
hookups, will be split-classied, with 10
acres being assigned to the structure. Minor
ancillary nonresidential structures are
sheds or other primitive structures, the
aggregate size of which are less than 300
square feet that add minimal value and are
not used residentially; provided the oc-
casional overnight use for hunting or other
outdoor activities shall not preclude the
structure from being considered a minor,
ancillary structure.
Property receiving this classication cannot
be enrolled in the Sustainable Forest Incen-
tive Act (SFIA) program, CRP, CREP, RIM,
or the Green Acres program.
e DNR must conrm that the property
qualies and will annually verify that the
property continues to qualify for the clas-
2013 Form Class 2c Managed Forest Land Classication Instructions
Required Attachments
You must attach the following to your
• Acopyofyourpropertytaxstatement
for each parcel of land you list on the
application, and
• Acopyofyourforestmanagementplan
that has been developed or updated by
a DNR-approved plan writer within the
last 10 years. e plan must contain clear
and accurate information, including maps
that clearly dene what property will be
included in the 2c Managed Forest Land
classication. e forest management
plan must also be registered with the
Due Date
Your application and all required attach-
ments are to be sent to the county assessor
following year.
Applications received aer May 1 will be
denied for that year. If all the required infor-
mation and attachments are not provided,
your application will be delayed or denied.
Instructions for Completing
Landowner Information
Provide your name and address.
Parcel Information
• Column A: Enter the property identica-
tion number (PID) for each parcel of land
you wish to enroll. You can nd the PID
Also attach a copy of :
• epropertytaxstatementforeachpar-
cel of land you are enrolling.
• Column B: List the total acreage of each
parcel. Round the amount of acres to the
nearest whole acre.
• Column C: List the number of acres that
you wish to enroll for the 2c classica-
tion for that particular parcel. Round the
amount of acres to the nearest whole acre.
Signature and Verications
the year your forest management plan was
developed. Make certain that you attach all
of the required documentation.
By signing the application you are:
• Declaringtheformiscorrectandcom-
plete to the best of your knowledge,
• Certifyingthatyouaretheowneror
authorized representative of the entity that
owns the land,
• Agreeingtofollowtheprovisionsofthe
lands forest management plan, and
• Certifyingthatthelandisnotenrolled
in the Sustainable Forest Incentive Act
(SFIA) program, CRP, CREP, RIM, or the
Green Acres program.
Your signature is required. An unsigned
application is considered incomplete.
Making False Statements
on this Application is
Against the Law
Minnesota Statute 609.41 states that anyone
giving false information in order to avoid or
ne of up to $3,000 and/or up to one year in
Use of Information
e information on this form is required
by Minnesota Statutes, section 273.13 to
properly identify you and determine if you
Your Social Security number is required. If
you do not provide the required informa-
tion, your application may be delayed or
denied. Your County Assessor may also ask
for additional verication of qualications.
Your Social Security number is considered
private data.
Information and Assistance
If you need additional information or assis-
tance, contact your county assessor.