Student Life Division
Student Activities Office
Updated 5/2017
Lowry Center Art Wall Exhibit Application
This is to formalize the agreement between the Student Activities Office and _____________________
to use the Art Wall in Lowry Center from (Date of Installation) ______ /_______/_______ to (Date of
Tear Down) _____ / _____/ ______.
Name of Student Organization /
Academic or Administrative Department: __________________________________________________
Title of display: ________________________________________________________________________
Department / Organization Contact:_______________________________________________________
Cell Phone:__________________________________ Wooster Email: ____________________________
Brief Description of Display: _____________________________________________________________
* Please compete the diagram of your proposed display on the additional pages of this application.
In signing this application. My organization understand that we have read and understand the Lowry
Center Art Wall Policy and will adhere to it stipulations. We will install a display that adheres to the
stated policies and that resembles the draft diagram included with this application. We understand that
our organization may not be granted use of or may be denied use of the Lowry Center Art Wall.
Signature: ________________________________________ Date: ______________________________
For Office Use Only
Date Received: _____________________________________ Received by: ________________________
☐ Online Reservation Submitted ☐ Online Request Approved
☐ Online Request Denied
☐ Application Approved Date: ________________ Conditions: ________________________________
☐ Application Denied Date: ________________ Reason: ___________________________________
Approver Signature: ____________________________________________________________________
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click to sign
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