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evised August 1, 2021)
Application Type - EV
By completing this application, educators may request degree/endorsement additions, course/transcript evaluations for the
purposes of fulfilling add-on, and course analysis/pre-approval. Upon receipt of the completed forms and appropriate
processing fee as noted on the Certification Processing Fee Schedule
, a certification case will be opened in the Teacher
Certification Management System (TCMS) which is trackable online. If additional information is needed or feedback is
provided, that information can be viewed online by checking the
Status of a Certification Application here. Evaluations will
be provided via the online portal in response to the certification submission case.
Adding a Degree(s)
To request the addition of a degree(s) to a certificate,
it the application form, professional conduct form, transcript,
and certification processing fee receipt. Official transcripts should be sent (mailed or emailed) directly to you and will be
considered official when scanned and/or uploaded to online certification portal with your certification application packet.
hen requesting the addition of Master’s Plus 30 designation, excess graduate credits earned in the
aster's degree
program should be verified by the dean of the graduate school of the appropriate university. If there is a certification area
associated with the degree earned, the application should also include the request for that endorsement to be added to the
educator’s certificate; associated endorsements are not automatically added to the certificate.
Evaluation and/or Addition of Teaching Endorsements (Add-ons)
To request an evaluation and/or to add teaching endorsements to a teaching certificate, educators must conduct and submit
the applicable self-evaluation add-on checklist (located by clicking on the “Add-On Endorsement” link in the online portal
application, professional conduct form, transcripts, PRAXIS scores (if applicable), the experience verification form (if
applicable), and certification processing fee receipt. If you are uncertain as to the name of a specific certification area
offered in Louisiana, please refer to
Bulletin 746. If seeking certification as an Educational Leader (EDL), use the
Educational Leader Application to request EDL eligibility or the stand-alone certificate as it is NOT an add-on endorsement.
If seeking Mentor Teacher/Content Leader certification, use the Mentor Teacher/Content Leader (MT/CL) application.
Course Analysis and Approval
To request written pre-approval of coursework not yet taken for the purposes of certification endorsement add-on,
educators may apply for course analysis. The educator would include the application page, professional conduct form,
evaluation add-on checklist (located by clicking on the “Add-On Endorsement” link in the online portal) indicating which
courses you wish to use to fulfill requirements, course titles/descriptions from university catalog or their website, and
certification processing fee receipt. Written feedback will be provided via the online portal in response to your request.
Name Change
To request a name change this application may be used by checking name change box on application page and by
providing a copy of the educator’s Social Security (SS) card and driver’s license showing legal name. Name changes are
included as a free transaction on all applications as the SS card and driver’s license are required with ALL certification
applications. If the name change is requested with no other transaction, the application page, professional conduct form,
the SS card, driver’s license, and a $25.00 fee are required.
Submitting the Application
Submit a completed application packet (including required documentation) through the online educator certification portal
The following items are required* as part of a complete application packet and must be signed and dated with current date:
1. Copy of Applicant Social Security Card and Driver’s License* (these are required with every application even if
name change is not requested)
2. “Certification Add-on, Evaluation, Course Approval (EV)” Application form*
3. Professional Conduct form with all questions answered, signed, and dated by the applicant*
4. Experience Verification form and/or Out-of-State Attestation form (if applicable)
5. Official tr
anscripts (if applicable and/or if not already submitted to the certification office)
6. Self-evaluation
Add-on Checklist (if applicable)
7. Copy of Online Payment Confirmation email or screenshot* - Use Processing Fee Schedule to determine amount
due. Payment is non-refundable and does not guarantee certification but is used for review of submitted documents.
Applicant will access the payment portal through the educator account on TeachLA Live! portal so that the fee,
appropriate to the request, can be made to LDOE.