Application to sit a Supplementary and/or Deferred Examination
(TP2 2015 only) away from your home campus
Supplementary and deferred examinations will be scheduled on the 18 –2 9 January 2016 (inclusive).
Students have the responsibility of checking the timetable at StudentsOnline from 4.00pm on 18 December 2015.
Student Number:__________________________________ Campus: Townsville Cairns Other
Subject(s) (Practical examinations cannot be undertaken off campus): _________ _________ _________ _________
Family Name: _____________________________ Given Names: ___________________________________________
Contacts for confirming arrangements (eg to finalise venue details etc):
Phone (daytime) : ………………….....………. Mob: …………...…...….…... Email: ………….…………...@......................
I agree to pay an administration fee of $100 per subject to James Cook University. I understand that I am respon-
sible for all charges levied by the institution/invigilator where I sit my exam/s
Student Signature:_____________________________________ Date:_______________________
Overseas students MUST source a venue and provide details below or arrangements cannot be made. Students should
email exams-Townsville@jcu.edu.au for preferred Australian venues.
Name of preferred venue: __________________________________________ ________________________________
Campus (if applicable)
Address of above venue: ___________________________________________________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________ _________________@_______________
Contact person at above venue Phone Email
Total Payment $ ____________
Credit Card Number: ________________________________________ Expiry Date: ____ / ____ CCV__________
____________________________________________________ ____________________________ ____ / ____/
Cardholder’s Name Cardholder’s Signature
Student’s Signature (if different from above): _____________________________________________ ____ /____ /
Forms may be submitted in person to the Student Centre, Townsville or Cairns. Forms may also be emailed to:
All enquiries to: exams-townsville@jcu.edu.au
1. Notification of Examination Times for Supp & Deferred TP2, 2015
2. Student Details
3. Details of Preferred Off-Campus Centre ie University/other educational facility
4. Fees and Method of Payment
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